Best of the Net 2017  


I      walked      alone      at      night      inside      the      throbbing      dome      of      men
who      thought      I      was      a      man
and      did      not      assault      me
I      found      you      bloated      and       glowing       on       the       bed
you      unscrewed       my       nipples       to       a       Janet       Jackson       track       until
a      pile      of      warm       jewels       poured       into       your       cupped       palm
you       thought       I       was       a       girl

I       didn't       know       what       to       think
in       that       picture       you       keep
my       chest       is       a       ripple       in       the       lake       of       my       shirt
I       am       a       human       animal       covered       in       red       marks       of       shame
on       the       beach       everyone       is       in       their       bodies
july       is       on       fire
I       am       leaving
so       many       important       people       behind       me

I      release       you       from       forgiveness
I       watch       your       name      light       up       blue
on      the       box       in       my       pocket       you       know
how       a       person       can       be       changed
it's      not       the       same       as       changing

- mud howard (from Cleaver Magazine)
