Letter to My Grandmother in Tsingtao
On fire I'm unfuckable, I'm war
bridegroom, the knife piloting
the wound. I'm the eye
bleeding sight. The screen scabbing
over me, the camera angled
for entry. I hook you
like a lure. I storyboard origin:
where a girl grows from god's side
wound & my mouth
mentors her pleasure. Turn down
your eyes. I've little-spooned
the moon & screwed the stars
back into my skull. Whoever
said fear is a foothold
has never climbed
me. Mount an axe where the sky
should be. Mountains are named
for their view, what you want to see
atop me. Expect to bleed
today. I trade my feet
for a landscape of losses:
a sea made of teeth, your nipples
roaming my mouth. My thumbs
wet thorns, my threefold thighs
& double-dog hunger, each barkless
tree I skinned alive with my teeth. God
bills me for my birth & I pay
back with my life. I'm alive
now that I'm dead, I look
like my mother's mother, the one
who skipped her face like a stone
across three seas, the one I receive
like a bullet to the bone, my breasts blown
glass. My knock-out ass. You can't
convince me history isn't
pornography. I have a body
but nowhere to bury it.
I have a harness but no horse
to breed for it. What we call
tame you call talent. What
you call country I call
no one picking up. Tonight
my mother shipwrecks my fantasies, rains
my bed into a riverbank, turns
my girl back into a pyre, my body back
to a movie birth scene, false
blood & stagelight, my mother calling cut
her out of me, the camera
my father & I
its foundling.
- K Ming Chang (from The Adroit Journal)