|  | |  |  |  | Two Poems Jeffrey Lee |  | | ducts is proud to present two selections from the CD "Identity Papers," a poem for two voices, Hsiao-Ming (Early Morning Light) and Hong (Phoenix), by Jeffrey Ethan Lee. "I was inspired to write identity papers after a young assailant tried to kill me with a hammer at a subway station in Brooklyn in August, 1994, while I was finishing a Ph.D. at NYU. This poem comes from the tradition of saying the hard truth in the most direct way possible (I think of Etheridge Knight and Ralph Ellison as models). But our society has grown even more vexing. I have tried to capture how it is in language that is lyrical yet visceral, intellectual yet brutal. I sought to span the language from the gutter to the research library, and to speak about race and violence in what is, above all, an honest account." - Jeffrey Ethan Lee dedicated to Hsiao-Ming. Jeffrey Ethan Lee: voice Lori-Nan Engler: voice Toshi Makihara: percussion copyright 2002 Drimala Records. | |  | selection #1 |  | | The narrator wants to call his partner but has been restrained, making it harder to get to the phone. Meanwhile, another voice [sotto voce] gives the definition of identity. Then he calls his friend Rob a few blocks away and then calls his partner. Then he has problems with the ER guards; an Asian-American nurse vouches for him. He starts another dialogue with Rob in the ER; meanwhile, part of his mind starts to dissociate into a homicidal rage. He has problems with a bitter physician, and Rob intervenes. Rob and the narrator joke around, in the end. ER Entries: feeling funked up takes the definitions of identity from The Oxford English Dictionary as well as others. It alludes to the image of Dr. Frankenstein's Creation, and the monster from Hollywood. Later there is a reference to Jurgen Habermas, the German philosopher and social theorist. There is also a joking allusion to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. In the last section there is a mention of 4th Avenue where the 4th Avenue and Union Street subway station is. Hamburger Hill was the name of the site of the famously futile battle during the Vietnam War. | |  | | ER Entries: feeling funked up [11:03 p.m.] | [sotto voce] | I plead with an attendant to call you; | identity | he promises but leaves | without asking [etymology uncertain | for any number... | idem sameness, and identidem | I lurch at Blurred White, "Hey wheres the phone?" | over and over again. | [11:19 p.m.] | or | "Why have I been restrained?" | from idem and entitas | A black smirk: "You the perpetrator?" | that being.] | A white blurt: "Stop touching it. | 1. | Someonell take care of it dont worry." | The state or | [11:42 p.m.] | quality of | But my bandages bleed | being identical, | and each inhale aches | or the condition of being | and my heart flowers into fire | the same | and a monster created out of me | in substance, composition, | groans alive, | nature, | rips velcro restraints, | properties | tugs tape free, | or | paws off glue, | in | clutches the aluminum bed on wheels, | particular | elevates a spastic torso | qualities | (amusement for some jeering patients) | under consideration; | slaps stilt limbs to the floor, | absolute | staggers past mannequin guards | or | into the red-alarmed eyes in the lobby | essential | o those poor waiting people | sameness, | fill the Creation with homicide | oneness. | [11:45 p.m.] | | The phones so far away | 2. The sameness of |    time itself slides elastic, | a person or thing | the longer each second stretches | at all times or |    the stiffer each gets, | in all circumstances; | and the fluorescent lights | the condition |    and the orange scoop chairs | or fact | and the chrome coin slot | that |    of the black pay phone all glare | a person or thing | like broken glass is | is itself |    under blinding magnesium flares | and not | and the half-snuffed relatives waiting for | something else; |    doused patients stare at me | individuality, | and fear | personality. | Wait whatll this cost me? | Personal identity (in Psychology) | What if the authentic self can only be | condition or fact of remaining the same person | recovered through authentic loss | throughout the various phases of existence; | What else do I have to lose? | continuity of the | [11:58 p.m.]                 Blocks away, my friend Rob answers his phone:             "Hey, how are you?"             "I got attacked."             "What hospital are you in?"                 "Methodist." Hes already coming: "Good. Thats in the neighborhood..." I know he will but still I ask, "Can you come?"                 "Of course Ill come. Ill be right over."                 "Thanks," a stranger thanks Rob.                 "Well, actually, now that you mention it, I was going to do my hair tonight..." [11:59 p.m.]                 Punching in our number is the most violent act of all, to me, fearing for our lives story whose hand-sewn signatures may sliver apart when I wound our pages. How will you ever read again alone through the nights waiting up for me youre already scared:                 "Where are you?"                 "A hospital I got attacked but Ill. B be okay."                 "What happened to you?"                 "I got attacked by some guy, but Ill be okay."                 "Really?" [12:04 a.m.] The guards challenge me re-entering ER:                 "Hey where ya think youre going?"                 "Who the hell ya think you are?" What kind of morons work here?                 "You cant go in there!" one actually yells. The clowns start to reach Im thinking throat, temple, neck if if it wouldnt hurt my hands so much       to kill them. The only nurse who taped me up, an asian-american, vouches:                 "Hes a patient."                 "Do you have any I.D?"                 "Hes a patient." [12:13 a.m.] Slumped into an orange glare, I confide:                 "Rob you know,                 every time someone resembles him                 I want to kill him                 but everyone resembles him.                 Half the guys in these chairs are him                 even the little kids...                 I cant help it...                 I want to kill every single one of them."                 "That must be hard for you..." | Without a pause | meanwhile, part of | I go on: | my mind drifts | "Habermas has this idea | back outside | that middle-class individuals | seeing canals of sky | lost hold of the public sphere | between black buildings, | hundreds of years ago | and everyones white, | and corporate bodies | black or hispanic | have no conscience, | Im the sole asian | their interests | are so inept,the cops | like aristocracies | believing | are so entrenched, | my attackers friend, | so veiled, | never even getting | theres no hope | his name | for this whole generation | though he saw it all. | being trashed; | But they took | they have nothing, | my name | know nothing, | though I was | hate everything | immobilized | their worlds | by pain. | such a prison | I want to kill | prisons are their shelters. | all of them. | But not hating them | | is hard, now." | [1:27 a.m.] The bitter physician avers:                 "It might save your life, but its expensive...                                                             So, its up to you." I laugh but laughing really hurts.                 "What would Heidegger do?" Rob jokes. I nod, "Hed get the X-rays to rule out the brain hemorrhage."                 "Well, then, you should too."                 "So, how long will it take?" Bitter explodes into close-up focus:                                                             "I told you what would happen.                 Werent you listening? Im not going to tell you again!" Rob intervenes, he even steps half-between: "Im sorry.             My friend means no harm, but he isn't as clear as usual                 because of his head injuries. He cant remember                 you said the x-rays would mean another hour of waiting.                 Is there any way we could expedite this?" Biting back his anger, Bitten softens into a poof of smock, blows down-hall and leaves us in peace. [1:52 a.m.]                "I dont wanna find out 4th Avenues nick-name is Hamburger Hill..."                "Man, didnt I tell you not to gather material like this?"                "Laughing hurts, Rob. Stop. Please." He presents all my poems (a surprise), then says deadpan:                "Hey sign this in case you dont make it out of here, I want the death-bed edition. It could be worth something years from now."                         It hurts so much worse when I laugh                but I want to I want to feel hurt the way humans can. | | |  | | |  | | The narrator describes the city at night as seen from the perspective of one crossing the Walt Whitman Bridge. "She" is the spirit of the city but also "the light in the darkness" that becomes Early Morning Light. crossing walt whitman bridge (westbound toward Philadelphia) alludes to Hart Crane's "The Broken Tower." | | | | crossing walt whitman bridge (westbound toward philadelphia)                             the city rises all night        like a galaxy poised burning throngs of strung lights   with streaking traffic reds                               but O so much more beautiful She touches me   and I am by my own hands amended. She rivers over my rage   hot as glasphalt bleeding tar and breaks my parched husk   to raise me in loves shower,     and no harm can come to me She is in each thing that touches me   and in my roots genealogy, one with the wilding city   even dressed in derelicts and addicts with gasoline-flaming orange hair   by polished brass poles and youths decked out in grunge,   yet this is all I want She pours electric lights across   the wide and winding rivers     overflowing with liquid neon She nestles in the soft halogen fog   of her scraped but no purer skies by towers straight as search lights rise   She holds my veins mortal wishes     in her serpentine coilings         and desires deeper than soil is She is the light in the darkness   the beacon         still unbroken                       but O so much more beautiful  email us with your comments | | | | | | | |