once upon a time we were bastards together. dont you remember? we were like brothers, with no mother. (unless you count mine.) Street Bound Sound Americans and their music. Songs of field harvested, barrels of seed and wheat cultivated clip       clip     out of autumn blossoms presented on wooden carnival bandstands announced by megaphone rasp plucked from country moons Travels to skylines on tractor trucks     aaaaaaaahhhhh...         wailing for simple times. Hitting the road the notes pick up strangers at dust pricked crossways, becoming chords, thumbs slung to the sun eyes on the road hurling forward to bubbling core of city sidewalks where old notes find new harmonies in old thieves, howling street bound lunatics                  aaaaaaahhhhhhee...     City music, drifting, permeating. The earth birthed of earths birthed, the works of cafe cowards and nickel-bag bullies- the songs of suffocation. Hard feet falling on harder cracks of sidewalks, new songs, hard     pop                                                 boom             pop     pop falls on asphalt cracks expose earth variation breaking all pattern. Walking to miss the cracks. Songs to slip into them. American songs tear down and rebuild American songs destroy and crack            pop     crack               pop                                     beat     some sense into the collective drool; Songs digest skin and Songs cough in your face, Songs hold your head under water in an old tin bathtub threatening your life if you dont pledge to their allegiance, and Songs are the charcoal that gag the water from your lungs. Songs slash you from your sleep and you come out raging,                              aaaaaahhhhhhheeee...             eyes raining                 pop            feet seizing                                           snip             spinal column unwinding                         zip   zip             teeth tingling                            crack      lips pulsating and           boom                       boom       throat dilating and                                 pop pop         pop       screaming           aaaaaaaaiiiiiihhhhheeeeeeeeeee     new songs of American cities and old songs of roads traveling to ancient cores forgotten stories plots spiraling spidering     snip               back                   slip                           to                             snip                                     city centers to the web map veins on the skin of some street sage silently screaming some tired sonata the truest sonic blast to deliver Americas sin             pop       zzzzzzzt             the cradle of a lost song             in the embrace of sound.  email us with your comments. |