From the Editor:Do you want to know a secret? I believe poetry is dead, obsolete. Dust. It is meaningless masturbation. Archaic. Poetry is for poets. Poetry is shit. Poetry is impossible to read and up its own ass. I hate poetry. Still, I read poems and still I get furious with them. Sometimes I work for half an hour through one fat son of a bitch; 5 pages of references to Japanese emperors and Norse gods, and at the end of the poem I sit, normally drunk and lost, trying to figure out if the poem was about a dog, a girl, anything at all. I know why people dont buy books of poems --- they make you feel stupid. Youre not stupid and you shouldnt buy things that are incomprehensible. Poems, in my mind, are meant to communicate, pass along stories, emotions, ideas. I still read poems because sometimes you find a title, a phrase, a whole poem even, and it stops you. Summers line, "I need to have blues so I can have rhythm," is like that. It stops me and demands to be remembered. To be honest, I see a line like that and I dont give a fuck what the rest of the poem is about. It sounds cool. Summers set of poems will not make you feel stupid, they travel to real places and dont loose you along the way. Occasionally, I run across a poem that needs to be heard. While I think Dereks Street Bound Sound looks damn good on the page it begs to be read aloud, mimicking all the funky scat sounds along with it. I promise: start and the thing will infect you like a pop melody. Now, maybe you will read these poems and think they are awful abominations of the form. Perhaps you will find Robs poem, To Whom it May Concern preachy drivel. I dont. I have read it a dozen times and it still gives me shivers of pride and hope that poetry can still touch us, inform us and even shake us. I hope these poems do the same for you. If they dont, I humbly remind you that you didnt have to pay $9.95 for them. In fact, if you dont like the poems please submit your own. We welcome all submissions and will publish good stuff. (So long as it doesnt make us feel stupid.) Thanks, Ryan ryan@smaxx.com  email us with your comments. |