by Dorianne Laux
put the puzzle together piece
by piece, loving how
one curved
notch fits so sweetly
with another.
A yellow smudge becomes
the brush of a broom,
and two blue arms
fill in the last of
the sky.
We patch together
porch swings and autumn
trees, matching gold
to gold. We hold
the eyes of deer in
our palms, a pair
of brown shoes. We
do this as the child
circles her room,
with her blossoming,
of the neat house,
the made bed,
the good food. We
let her brood
as we shuffle through
the pieces,
setting each one into
place with a satisfied
tap, our backs turned
for a few hours
to a world that is
crumbling, a sky
that is falling, the
we are required to
return to.
with permission from Awake.
Laux is the author of two collections of poetry from BOA Editions,
Awake (1990) and What We Carry (1994) which was a finalist
for the National Book Critics Circle Award. She is also co-author, with
Kim Addonizio, of The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of
Writing Poetry (W.W. Norton, 1997) which has been chosen as an alternative
selection by Book of the Month Club, Quality Paperbacks and Writer's Digest.
Among her awards are a Pushcart Prize for poetry and a fellowship from
The National Endowment for the Arts. Recent poems have appeared in The
Harvard Review, The Alaska Quarterly Review, The Southern
Review, The Kenyon Review, Shenandoah, Ploughshares,
The American Poetry Review, The Washington Post and DoubleTake.
Her poem, "The Shipfitter's Wife" was chosen by Robert Bly for inclusion
in The Best American Poetry 1999. Her poetry can also be heard
on National Public Radio's "The Writer's Almanac," hosted by Garrison
Keillor. Her third book, Smoke, is scheduled for publication in
October of 2000 by BOA Editions. Laux is an Associate Professor and works
at the University of Oregon's Program in Creative Writing.

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