| She found dads pornography in a drawer to the right of his bed, under scattered paperwork, hidden. She was eleven, adolescent, pre-pubescent. Breast-buds raised and sore on her thin chest, pains of menstrual cramps ensuing making her afraid of the pain, of bleeding. Those pages of ugly, empty women spreading their lips to expose pink lumps of twisted flesh. Letting their tongues push over their mouths like dogs. Their asses point to the camera like weakness. She lost a little innocence, and her father became more of a stranger, because he became more of a man. Ive never been ready for the hard reality of the human experience. Labels like faggot, homo, retard, frigid, nigger, spic, cunt, skank, slut, whore, bitch. Realities like prostitution, rape, molestation, child abuse....moments like going into my loving fathers room and finding pornography; and being eleven, and looking down at my body and feeling nothing but fragile. When She was only twelve mom told her about the rape. How five men, how five men, hurt that soft place She had come from. Mom told her it happened in Texas behind red brick buildings. Mom told her no one heard her screams. Mom told her she just gave up. Mom told her with dry eyes and steady hands as she made egg-salad sandwiches for lunch, because her daughter should know about Texas and weakness. She was only twelve. Knowing made her unsure, and her breasts had already become small lumps of soft flesh. Her stomach rounded and She began to bleed. She moved downtown when she was 22, a block away from dirty streets of pushers and prostitution because She didnt care, wouldnt look down on them, shouldnt pity them. Men in cars would follow shapely hips, bouncing breast, round ass, curving back and long exposed legs that carried her along the sidewalk. Men in cars would call through teeth stained with smoky anxiety reminding her: She is a victim. Reminding her: they are the instruments of her humiliation. The faster She walked, the further away, the more of a tease. And the more resolved they were that they would have her: on the street, 3 am, walking home alone, on the street, 12 am, selling her body to feed her kids, to feed her fix, to find somewhere warm and dry for fifteen minutes. Her, walking through the park her at a party.... her going into the train station bathroom, alone.... her visiting your girlfriend.... her laying restlessly awake in bed, wondering where he is, why he didnt come home. And so I ask: when does the innocence stop and hardreality begin? I could be your child, niece, teacher, sister, nanny, granddaughter, co-worker, boss, wife....your mother. I could be that girl that used to live next door. That girl who used to try to skateboard, listen to punk music, ride bicycles, play soccer, watch football and campy movies with her dad. I could be your friend, or I could be your lover. She lets her lover in because he has become an essential part of her. She likes him to dive deep within her flesh, to find the place thats his. She, who becomes soft skin, whispering seduction, tangled hair, skeins of sweat, perfume of sex. Her mouth is open. Her legs are open. Innocent and pure, and not a tease but a pleasure. He deserves her, this desire. And what if you were her lover, and what if She lived in a world that made her a tight package of tits and ass? And what if you were her lover, And what if you were her father, and what if She will always want to be something more? email us with your comments. |  |  |