No One Else
Smith has blond hair, blue eyes, white skin, and
dirty nails. Anyway, he has a deep dark secret.
I will reveal It...well the secrets out
hes a wizard. Yes, I did say, "wizard"!
But, what is bad about the secret is, he doesnt
know it himself.
amazing thing about him is no one else could escape
the dark wizard called Dialan. He is the only
dark wizard that anyone talks about anymore. But,
they vow never to say his name. You will hear
the story of Dialans defeat, later.
is also different from most people because he
lives in the City Dump. It was awful. Even he
thought so. When he defeated Dialan, he got a
scar in the shape of an eye in the middle of his
forehead. Now and then it hurts. Mike never thinks
about it,
scar, I mean. Of course, his hair is pretty long,
not having any scissors, you know. When they see
Mike on the street, most people go "yick"
in a mean and snobby way. Whenever this happens,
he just looks down at his feet and runs to his
little hut, sobbing.
Mikes Treasure
day Mike was tending to his uncles house.
Since both of his parents died, he was under his
cruel uncles power. Mike went to his uncles
house each day to clean and to be, "home
day, when his uncle was out, Mike came upon a
box that said, "Things that I want to keep
away from Mike." He quickly turned around
to see if anyone was looking. "Good,"
said Mike, with a sigh of relief. Then he opened
the box and found a lot of golden things that
had been stolen by his uncle-whose name was Max
Pijigler(pidge-ig-ler). Mike took two of the necklaces
he found. One was labeled "History of the
Oldest People". The other one was called
"Beware of these Monsters". First he
picked the one marked, "Beware of these Monsters"
and to his horror, what was at first a locket,
turned into a disaster on the wall...
When Mikes Uncle Arrives
the same moment he was opening the second locket,
he heard footsteps and saw a huge shadow of a
horrifying creature. Mike could hardly speak.
To his surprise, it turned out to be his uncle...(okay,
okay. Its not as horrifying as I made it
sound.) Where was I, oh, I was here. When his
uncle came in, he grabbed Mike by the shirt-half
strangling him, half carrying him. Mikes
heart stopped, while still going 500 beats a minute.
Mike managed to take up the locket called "Beware
of these Monsters." He had no idea why it
was so named or what the name meant.
the midst of all this, Mikes uncle, Max
Pijigler, told him to go back to the Dump and
go to bed, even though it was only 1:00 in the
afternoon. Mike was also told to brush his teeth,
even though his uncle hadnt brushed his
own for five months. Uncle Pijigler also said,
"Do five times the homework!"
What Seemed like a Dream
was the mean side of Uncle Pijigler- but, dont
worry, he has a softer side. Now that I think
about it, that was his softer side. Mike kept
to his chores-too nice a thing to call them. And
believe me, he wasnt working for an allowance,
like you or me, he was working for his life!
Twitching and bewitching
was back in his hut when his uncle came in. "I
want you to mop my floor, now!" he said.
So Mike did. Mike was mopping the floor of his
uncles house, when he thought to himself,
"Im so scared of my uncle, why was
I given to him?" After his uncle left the
house, Mike continued to think, and he began to
shiver. Then he began muttering to himself in
a language that he had never even heard before.
He must have cast an evil curse on his uncle because
his uncle had turned to stone. So had everything
else in the whole wide neighborhood! From the
window, Mike Smith saw his uncle, frozen stone
cold, waiting at the crosswalk.
stopped mopping. He locked up the house and went
to the candy store across the street. He took
all the candy he wanted, but wondered if it had
been turned into stone as well. He took some bubble
gum, stuffed it into his mouth, and, yup, bye-bye
teeth. Next, a toothless Mike, went to the clothes
store down the block. He picked out all the clothes
he wanted to replace the rags he wore. The clothes
were very heavy, since they were all made of stone.
In trying to undo the spell, Mike quickly wrote
down what he remembered of the gibberish he had
spoken. But, fortunately, ended up saying another
spell instead.
The Next Spell
next spell, undid the stone, and Mike jotted it
down as well for the future. He put on his new
clothes and went back to his uncles house.
Then, he heard his uncle trying to get in. Uncle
Pijigler was so angry that he kept on yelling
at the door like a lunatic. Because Mike had been
wise enough to write down the first spell, he
chanted it through the front doors peephole,
and turned his uncle into stone again. Mike was
a smart fellow. He went down to the basement and
got some paint. After a while, the front yard
of the house had a new lawn ornament that looked
exactly like his uncle, Max Pijigler. The statue
became famous throughout the neighborhood.
Smith was free of his cruel uncle, but he still
had no teeth. He remembered the golden locket
hed picked up with the name, "Beware
of these Monsters." When Mike had opened
the locket before, he had heard the same gibberish
that he had spoken . Then, Mike remembered that
it was his ninth birthday. Maybe that was why
all these strange things were happening. He had
left the locket open. Without warning, a huge
monster came out of the locket and towered over
him. Mike was terrified. Then, in a comic voice,
the monster said, "Aint you the feller
that de - feeted the wicked Wizard, Dialan? Well
speak up!" Mike tried to speak, but it sounded
very odd, because of his toothlessness. The monster
was repelled, and said, "Hey, little feller,
you aint got no teeth!" As luck would
have it, Uncle Pijigler had left his false teeth
behind. Mike put them on, and, after rinsing his
mouth, went on to say, "Who the heck are
you, and who is Dialan?"
call me and my family monsters because we look
hideous, but being ugly, doesnt make us
evil. The real evil one was Dialan, who would
lure innocent victims with his charm and beauty.
When you were a baby, you played with a reflecting
toy. The handsome Dialan tried to lure you to
his side with smiles and baby talk. In play,
you held up your reflecting toy, and Dialan saw
his reflection, which was repulsive. The mirror
and Dialan both cracked into a thousand pieces.
It was then that you got a scar in the shape of
an eye. It was in the shape of an eye because
you were the only one to have seen the truth."
The Second Locket
Smith was astonished. The so-called monster smiled
and went back into the locket he had come from.
Mike picked up the second golden locket. He was
so surprised by his story, that he found himself
speaking more of what he thought was gibberish.
The locket labeled "The History of the Oldest
People" opened and said, "Mike Smith,
you can come home now. Max Pijigler was not really
your uncle, he was a hoax. He had been Dialans
assistant, who stole you away after his masters
defeat. He kept you as his servant and made you
live in the City Dump."
Home Again, Home Again
an instant Mike Smith was home. He was home in
a Palace filled with light and love. And there
were his parents alive and well. Mike Smith, whose
real name turned out to be Mike Smith, discovered
that he was actually a wizard. Because he turned
out to be a wizard, he cold conjures himself a
new set of teeth. Mike Smith went on to live a
long and happy life among his own kind, and finally
became part of "The History of the Oldest
People"- who are, of course, wizards!
Fritsch is nine years old and lives in the oldest
house in the Chelsea Historic District of New
York City. She has attended the local Public School,
P.S. 11, since Pre-Kindergarten. The curriculum
of the school is literature-based, and this has
greatly contributed to her interest in words,
books and writing. Nora loves animals, bike riding
and spending time with good friends. She also
loves to read, watch and know about anything to
do with witches and wizardry...including the Narnia
series, Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Lord of the
Rings books, Merlin and, of course Mike Smith.

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