With the 20 year anniversary of the seminal gender role reversal classic upon us, we caught up with the minds behind the masterpiece.
Q: Well, let's just get started. Where did the idea for JUST ONE OF THE GUYS come from?
Dennis Feldman: I just sort of had this epiphany one day. What if a girl had to be in the boys locker room? What would she do around all those wangs?
Q: And that's where you came in, Jeff?
Jeff Franklin: Sort of.
Dennis Feldman: I had to convince him.
Jeff Franklin: (laughs) If only I'd known, right?
Q: I was wondering about that...
Jeff Franklin: You know, I couldn't get past...the biggest challenge was how would we keep people from finding out she wasn't a girl for two hours?
Dennis Feldman: But I knew Jeff liked a challenge.
Jeff Franklin: Yeah. I kind of had a breakthough. No one would know she was a girl if she cut her hair and wore baggy clothes.
Dennis Feldman: That was it.
Jeff Franklin: No. No, this was your vision. Totally.
Dennis Feldman: Yeah, no, but that's where it all started to come together. The baggy shirts.
Q: And when did you come on board, Lisa[Gottlieb, the film's director]?
Lisa Gottlieb: Well, I read the script and I just, you know, I just loved it. It had all the earmarks of a classic. Farce, a love story, a horny little brother.
Q: Sherilyn Fenn.
Jeff Franklin: Yeah. Wait. You're being serious, right.
Q: I...well, yes.
Jeff Franklin: Good.
Q: Were you guys always happy with the choice of Lisa as the director?
Jeff Franklin: I was.
Dennis Feldman: Yeah.
Jeff Franklin: I mean, she's a woman.
Lisa Gottlieb: And I knew what it was like, to be a girl pretending to be a guy....
Dennis Feldman: ...who's warding off the advances of Sherilyn Fenn.
Jeff Franklin: Wow.
Lisa Gottlieb: Can that be off the record?
Q: I'll do what I can. But it sort of leads quite nicely into my next question, what was it like working with the film's star, Joyce Hyser?
Dennis Feldman: Now she was great. A real class act.
Jeff Franklin: That's true.
Lisa Gottlieb: She was something all right.
Jeff Franklin: Here we go...
Lisa Gottlieb: I'm just saying, I don't think she was "all that". Can you put "all that" in quotations? But only the first time?
Q: Yes, of course.
Lisa Gottlieb: Thanks.
Q: There's a rumor going around of a sequel...
Jeff Franklin: Right.
Dennis Feldman: Just Two Of The Guys. Yeah. It would take a lot for that to happen.
Q: Really?
Lisa Gottlieb: I guess the guy who played the asshole is, like, president of Spike TV now or something.
Dennis Feldman: That's what he's doing??
Lisa Gottlieb: I think so.
Dennis Feldman: I just heard he was president of a network. I guess it wouldn't take that much, then.
Jeff Franklin: Ouch. See you in 20 more, folks!
