Jill Chan has published work in Stirring, Mentress Moon, Niederngasse, Trout, Apples and Oranges, Eclectica, 3rd Muse, and numerous others. Born in Manila, Philippines, she migrated to New Zealand in 1994. She now edits PoetrySz, an e-zine featuring the work of people with mental illness. Her favorite poets include Kapka Kassabova, James Brown, Michele Legott, Carolyn Smale, Frank Matagrano, and Teresa White.
Erin D. Conroy is a writer and fine art photographer living in Warren, MI. She graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in Journalism and an unofficial minor in photography. Her passion is for traditional b&w photography and experimental processes. Favorite subjects include scenic and self-portraiture. Recent photo credits include Red Owl Magazine, Limestone Circle, and a forthcoming publication in Blind Man's Rainbow.
In June Peter Douglas graduated from Stanford University in Palo Alto and is now working as an actor and writer in the Washington, D.C. area. His work has appeared in The G.W. Review, The Hollins Critic, The Mind's Eye, Paperplates, Rattapallax, The Red Booth Review, Stirring, The Tucumcari Literary Review, Undressed, and Writer's Journal. Favorite online and offline authors include Erin Elizabeth, W.S., Ray Smith, Louise Gluck, Simone Di Piero, Henry James, Herman Hesse, Corinne Erickson.
Erin Elizabeth is a Southern girl who grew up outside of Columbia, SC and now makes her home in the voluptuous hills of Binghamton, NY. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Stirring, a monthly literary collection, and a cofounder of Sundress Publications. Some recent publications include Pif, 2River View, Gravity, FZQ, Eclectica, Avatar Review, Black Bear Review, and Samsara. Her favorite authors include Sharon Shahan, Lorrie Moore, John Irving, Susan Hahn, Jessica Bush, Dorianne Laux, and Kate Lutzner.
Claudia Grinnell was born and raised in Germany where she lived and raised hell until she was twenty-five. Then the German government had had enough of her antics and kicked her out of the country. She found a welcoming haven in Louisiana, where she now lives, teaches at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and does fantastic reviews for Slip. Claudia is incredibly smart and can leap tall buildings without even trying. She is wealthy beyond belief, having made a fortune off her teaching position. (This bio is NOT embellished in any way and reflects the truth and nothing but. Yup. Really. I am not making this up.)
nicoLe sativa kurlish never knows what to say about herself. She lives in a tiny two bedroom, spiders on our walls, barely room to breathe apartment in the suburban ghetto of West Chester, PA with her husband and three cats. Currently, she is working on supralurid whose first issue was printed April, 2000. Her poetry and photography have been featured in Stirring, and Shadyvale Press published several of her poems online, as well as one in a lovely anthology chapbook. She is a threetime winner of the (now missing) Great New Hope Poetry Slam.
Eric Larsen works full-time as the webmaster for a large school district and does web development contracting on the side. In his spare time, he explores dreams and emotions through poetry and prose, attempting to give them tastes and textures his readers can absorb. Eric has never actively pursued being published; instead, he has been satisfied to post all of his work on his website. Eric currently enjoys reading the works of Rimbaud, T.S. Eliot, Jim Carroll and David Berman.
Frank Matagrano, author of "Moving Platform," divides his time between New York and Chicago. His poetry has been published in such magazines as The Exquisite Corpse and Cross Connect.
Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a Drug and Alcohol Counselor who works primarily with adolescents and their families. His poems have appeared in a number of print journals as well as on-line publications. He took first place in last years Poetry SuperHighway contest, spent some time as Associate Editor of Samsara and has judged local poetry slams (getting booed profusely for not understanding angst-ridden, angry poems about cats, the government and lousy relationships) and also has moderated poetry workshops. He took a ten year hiatus from writing after everything he wrote was lost in a tragic boat accident. Alex returned to writing in the fall of 1999, he does not have a website and does not call himself a poet.