M - Z Writers

MJM Conceding to Catholicism
Chris Macalino Crow and Raven
Carole MacRury Spoiled Fruit
Mary Beth Magin after love came
June Coleman Magrab Ars Poetica Elegy For My Mother
I Don’t Even Know If You Wore a Watch
Dennis Mahagin Deposition
The Importance of Being Ernest
Of Wife Beaters and Palm Readers
Prasenjit Maiti Domestic
Christopher Major Leaving Left
Taken Away (for DL)
Jennifer Makowsky April 26, 1991 4:55PM Wichita, Kansas
At Least We Were Honest *
Karen Mandell Leaving the dining room
Kindra Marien Roots
Renee L. Marshall Corn-Fed *
Frank Matagrano This Is How We Fold Our Hands on the Boat to America
Alternatives to Cigarettes
Standing Under a Street Lamp on the Corner of Brice Court
Picking How to Go
Something about Milk, Something about Meat
Variations of Fast
Asking Her Son for a Glass of Milk
Watching Grandma Die
Lyetta Mathews Hither and Yon - Two Voices *
Dandelion Man
Cleopatra Mathis The Horse
Little Map
Stephanie Matthews Giggle-smoke Over the Base Camp
Kate Maurer Come to Water
Jacqueline May Bread
Karen McAdams Pond *
Frances Ruhlen McConnel Mother Visiting her Daughter’s Grave
Carol Ann McCormick Witness *
Tributes and Such
Sean McCormick Soundings
Jennifer McCoy A Billow on the Clothesline
Love and Panting: A Pantoum
Laura McCullough Rain Loves the Sky
Walt McDonald Rembrandt while Saskia Watched
Turning Sixty Five in Montana
For Friends Missing in Action
In Fragile, Soap-Bubble Bodies
Grizzlies in Glacier Park
Grace at the Top of the Food Chain *
Karyna McGlynn Upon Hearing Your Good News, I Thought *
John P. McWilliams Running From Jesus
Office Hours
Mark Melton Three Fragments of Mortality
Corey Mesler The Blessing of the Egrets
Mitchell Metz Landscaping
It Was Cold
No Gomer Claus
Dead Meat '69
After a Fashion
Curt Meyer Peanut Butter Chicken
Tiffany Midge The Woman Who Married a Bear
Teeth in the Wrong Places
Dorothy Doyle Mienko God's Glassblower *
An unforgettable poem
I'm learning to love haiku
Spring Rain *
Escaping the terrible fish *
It Wasn't Until Later *
Suicide *
The Great Gatsby Breaks My Heart *
Shopping for Shoes
A Poem to My Left Breast *
Lisa *
Carolyn Mikulencak Balm *
Sarah Miller I Did Not Think I'd Hear From You
People Want to Know the Truth *
Brandy Milowsky Haiku
Joshua Mohr sunday with blue : sick with recklessness
Sally Molini Balcony Scene
Patty Mooney Coup
The Cameo
Poem For Maggie
Lad Moore The Second Birthing of Young Tim
Claudine R. Moreau The Equation
JB Mulligan snow
R. Mumma Flirtations on Black Velvet
Aongus Murtagh Summer *
Dennis Must Celebrity
Christopher Neenan Throwing Stones in Cork
Horsenden Hill Holmoak
William J. Neumire Thanksgiving
Martina Newberry Good Words
Bruce W. Niedt How To Peel an Orange
PJ Nights Mourning has its season as all things have
With no wolf to guard the door
John Nimmo Snails on Concrete
David O'Flaherty Weirdness in the Kitchen, 1843
Ben Ohmart An Untitled One Act
Barbara Ann O'Leary Without
Sharon Olds Cambridge Elegy
The Issues
It *
True Love *
Daniel A. Olivas A Good Job
Western Wallflower
Chris Orlet The Grassfires of the Resistance *
Radames Ortiz Father
Laurence Overmire Learning How
Cynthia Pacia Canceled Connection in Chicago
John Palcewski The Train Will Never Come
J. A. Pak Slipping Through Glass
Evan Palmer The Dung Beetle's Career
Kimberly Townsend Palmer The Conductress of Milk
Shann Palmer The Nature of Belief
Zijie Ken Pan Refugee
Rebecca Parker burns
Soham Patel Pop off the climbing
Richard Payette The Case of a Butterfly
Roman Payne Sister and Brother
Anne Pepper Halflife of Smoke
Silvia Antonia Brandon Pérez Slow Tango
Allan Peterson Instead of the Usual
Sharon Peterson Mamma Nací Muy Tarde (Mother I Was Born Too Late)
Kelly Pilgrim Father's Mistress
Kenneth Pobo Planting Begonias
New Jersey
Shisa Poet On Being Asked To Send My Photo For A Bio On The Web
Bread and Tulips
The New Gynecologist *
Pizza On Rye Road
J. Oscar Polanco To the Rose
Judith Pordon Wealth
Erin E. Post Between
Jennifer Poteet Bermuda
Where You've Been
Christine Potter Paint Job, July 2001
David McKay Powell Three In Memoriam Patriae
David Prestidge On Process Theology
Cedar Pruitt Ghosts
Khadijah Queen A Son Born To A Family of Women
Cristina Querrer Musings from an Airport Window
Rod P. Radford Bill "Dungs" Roman
Kris Raido A Strange Thing
Knowing Fire
For Teeth
Jessy Randall My Son, When He Is Sick
The Revenge
Christina Ranon sword lily
Diane Raptosh Great Books
Nanette Rayman To My Lost Child
Not Love *
Sharon Redding Dear Alaska: *
Out Of The Sea
Christine L. Reed Francine Ties Newspapers On The Pool Room Floor
shelly a reed personals, cityview
Jim Reese Buckets
Joelle Lynn Renstrom Dreaming of Steaks and Yards
C. R. Resetarits Ecomare
Susan Richardson Red Velvet
Cinthia Ritchie Blood Songs
Steve Roberts When You're Not Weird
Anthony Robinson Moon
Groundhog Day *
Will Roby After Math
Fiona Robyn Jam
Tania Rochelle Valet Parking at the Salvation Army
The New Lover
Letter to my Sister
Dreaming of Grandma
Sadie *
Mary Rodriguez Mothers
Feline Behavior
Blake Starbuck Rogers for Four Days: a Husband
Stephanie Rogers Finding God in a Deserted Parking Lot
Man Found Dead in Bathtub ...
Stephen D. Rogers Hanging a Sign on the Closet Door
Monte Rosen The Village and I
Diana Rosetti Woman Flashing
M.L. Roth How to Peel an Egg
Bear Path Standing
The Screamer; After a Portrait by Munch *
The New Haggadah
The Camel Chronicles; How Smoking Saved My Life
Soma K. Roy Something Fishy on the Rocks
Julie Ruble and jamie wouldn't eat her dinner. *
John Running Stacy Tso
Donna & Kelsy
John G. Sadlouskos Bull
Miriam Sagan Aristotle
C.J. Sage wife and other woman
B. Walker Sampson Acts in Between
Kathleen Savino metaphor
Sue Scalf Harvest
Judith Schiele Reflections of Balance
C.K. Scott The Penitent
Tobias Seamon The Chain Bridge
The Exhibit
Anthony Seidman Conduit of Rain *
Brandy Sejeck The Attempt
Measuring Longing
Jeannine Shackleton Swallowed
Sharon Shahan Calyx Mouth
Sarah Sh. The process of eating
R. Shakoor Paused
Tom Sheehan The Day the Ice Starts Out
Trout Fishing with Rommel's Last-known Foe
A Voice Touching
Lately When the Plow Is Still
We Shall Be Warm Again
Late Night Guitar
Parkie, Tanker, Tiger of Tobruk
Snake on Woodpile, after Maloney, OPA
Marching Orders
Latham Shinder You and Me
Jonathan Shipley June Bugs
dan sicoli letter for leah
song for stephanie
song for sonya
my regina
Simply Doc
Gabriel Siegel South Sea Ephemeral Hymn
Abby Sinnott Restless
Sarah Sloat What Hitched Me Here
Gentle Warning
Lauren Rile Smith Crooked
Logan Ryan Smith In Miniature
That Was It
Cheryl Snell Red
Sunie Somers The Appaloosa
Robin Sommo Snow Dog
Sarah Sorenson Andromeda On The Edge
Water Music
Chris Sorrenti I Tell Myself
Barry Spacks Addict of Losses
Julia Spantchak Eating Habits
Looking for Something
Elisabeth Spinks On the Occasion of My Cat's First Birthday
Michael Sposito You and Your Plane Crash
Michael Spring shepherding
David Starkey Risikesh *
Sandy Steinman Cherry Colored Crayons
Darius Antwan Stewart Worshipping the Wrong Gods
Richard Stevenson When they miss the bird
After the gulls
TL Stokes Sun Falls Through the Hole in the Sky
Basement Songs
Black Linen Eclipse in Threes
feral cat on the green table
Too Early for Stir Fry
Alex Stolis If I were a painter
If Mary Tyler Moore Had Lived in Los Angeles
A Choice between Grief and Nothing
Empty Mirror
Remembering Allison on her Birthday
Breaking the Day
Gripping Aphrodite *
Thinking About You (Again)
Preston Mark Stone Rice *
Introduction to Anatomy
Faking Beethoven
Kit Sullivan Why I Wrote my First Living Will
Aimee Sutherland Demeter Goes to the Laundromat
T.J. Suvajac On Clarissa Dalloway
John Sweet man with a gun opens fire
god in the form of a snake devouring itself
variation on pollock's cathedral
in which dali transforms the image of death into my sons beautiful face
it will always be the season of famine somewhere
r l swihart Nottiteln #33
Doug Tanoury The Physics of Tea
Jennifer Tappenden Anne Askew
Tasha Bahnhof Frankfurt
Caught In The Snow
Ed Taylor Psyche's Sisters
Billye "Ferne" Thatcher Melancholy Moon
Elaine Thomas Doe On Road Near Devil's Tower
Paul Toth Memories of Salvador
Cheryl Townsend Music
Letitia Trent Untitled
Cleaned Up
Under the Table
The Wound and I
Degas Trout Apple Days
S. Brady Tucker How to Look West From Mount Pleasant, Utah
John Turner Where Old Ghosts Meet
Shark in Sheep’s Clothing
The Legend of the Pin Ball Lizard
Ashwini Vaidya Adieu
Eric Van Cleve Swatting Flies
P.R. van Pottelberg Eggplant Voodoo Doll Land
Sarah Vap Teacup
Sharon Venezio another day x’ed off the calendar.
John Vernon Section 2: An excerpt from The Last Canyon
Urquiza Vicente Erin
Wendy Videlock Directions
natalie villarreal Hector Black
Tai Vincere fraser river, december *
Michael Virga Focus: The August Stars
Anca Vlasopolos Slivers of Time ...
Fog Horn on Detroit River
Lacey Volk Krissy B.
Cody Walker Believer
Thom Ward At The Department of Motor Vehicles
The Body is More Than Its Malignancy
Pete Warzel Probanza
Chocolate Waters My Personal Wants to get Personal With You
The Turquoise Dress *
Patricia Wellingham-Jones Evidence to the Contrary
Kim Welliver Gathering *
Aleah Weltha vodka.
Tim Wenzell What You've Let In
Kami Westhoff Between Seasons
Jennifer Whigham Mourning Daughter of the Gypsy Queen
Scott Whitaker Disembodied
Kelley White old man with a fly
Teresa White Outside the Lines
White Gloves
Maple Street Is Not The Road To Damascus
Letter To Loan Officer *
Buddha In The Spare Room
Steve Williams Living in Lightning
Merging Conflict
Shari Diane Willardson They Put All The Round Things Together
Andrew Wilson Epiglottis
Andrew L. Wilson The Spider's House
Leonore Wilson Amoroso *
Phillip Woodruff virgin
Bryan Thao Worra Tetragrammaton
Kathrine L. Wright Leonardo’s Notebooks
Kirby Wright At the Hong Convalescent Home
Charon Wyatt Scratching A Sound From My Throat, Waiting For The Room To Clear *
Chris Young Saturday, October, 2PM
The Lawyer Meets Friends He Hasn’t Seen In Years
Christina Young East-Ontarian Boy
Debbullan Zathan The Scholars' War
Andrena Zawinski Tango : Surviving September
Michael Zbigley Ritual
Silver Valley

* Stirring's Best Of

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