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Cristina Querrer
Cristina Querrer

Location: Norwich, CT
Published in: Fairfield Review, )ism(, etc.


From Providence airport
I meant to send you the images
through the wire-
but the collective knew instinctively,
these flutter of emotions,
these familiar voices
that harmonized
even when time did not
match the leaves.

It's all how we approach it,
buoyantly, floating optimistically
like clouds, I think,
yet fretful of the frost
that will close everything
once again and forever.
The seasons will uncover
like clockwork--
for, the skill of nature
also work invisibly within us.

But this purpose between:
whether it is my summer,
and whether you have become more calm
with each harvest, and whether
it was meant for me to fall
from this sky at this very moment,
will change that, too.

The metamorphosis
will continue to occur
in every valve opening
to each falling branch
toward day's end.

It shall belie all our truths
despite geography
with such a quiet resolve.
It shall openly laugh
at our constant rebellion
with each
onset of frost and each
onslaught of rain.