Judith Schiele
Date of Birth: 9/44
Location: Brandon, Mississippi
Email: AnnieCSJ@aol.com
Website: http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/anniecsj/myhomepage/index.html
Published in: Houston Fest Anthology, Somniloquy, Emotions, Roses and Thorns, Poetic Voices, etc.
Awards: One of the top five winners in the Fusion Poetry Contest
REFLECTIONS OF BALANCEMorning sun hangs heavy,
seeps through haze, powerless
under it's penetration.
Day labors into noon
among imbalances, struggles,
The lake lies stagnant,
brackish with old algae.
Cypress gnarl in the muck
for existence. Movement
sends waves washing,
Beneath the surface
life thrives.
Dragon flies, iridescent winged,
blue bellied -- some green, hover;
filter the air of smaller things.
Night's fall weaves graphic
into shadowed,