Markie Babbott
you are not asleep but you are not awake
you will feel calm despite this non ordinary situation
count backwards into not sleep
your abdomen will be manipulated
we tell you this in case your body remembers
in any case you must have a ride home
we tell you the results upon your awakening from not sleep
we will feed you buttered toast
your choice of apple juice or ginger ale
you always have the choice
to be asleep or awake says Rumi
you will forget the ale and frat din
but not how they tickled your belly
like a flipped tortoise
rocking on its back
legs pawing the air
Markie Babbott's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in the Aurorean, CAIRN, Calyx:A Journal of Art and Literature By Women, literary mama, Mannequin Envy, Perigee: Publication for the Arts, Women.Period, (Spinsters Ink, 2008), The Women's Times: Pioneer Valley and Tupelo Press Poetry Project (12/09). Her chapbook, Sus Scrofa, won the 2008 Poets Corner Press. She lives and works in western Massachusetts.