Alison Daniel
My dear,
thanks for your utmost concern
and kind inquiry
as to whether I have ever considered
seeking counseling.
Have I not confessed
My dear,
I adore all assumptions.
I never meant
to hold so much in.
I thought telling about a juicy
you'd understand, but,
my dear,
you seem to think
men fantasize but never marry,
threatening girls like us.
Do you feel by pretending
I'll spread my legs for anyone,
I'll apologize for the strength of my lust?
My dear,
is it my turn to weep?
What on earth must you think?
The abortion's
left me vulnerable to opinions
that honestly, I just can't keep.
I'm worried
My dear.
well, yes, of course, my childhood
was the pits. Thanks for understanding
that sometimes, all that's needed is a little push
to explore
alternative suggestions,
perhaps, your counseling technique?
My dear,
think what you like
but I was never sexually abused,
although it seems to me
you prefer your waifs to have wounds.
Is that why you accuse
I'm blocking the bad stuff out?
My dear,
you're still not listening.
it wasn't like that at all. You're
treading on my dainty shoes
and upsetting my delicate head.
Why does it mean so much to you,
this talk of being used?
My dear,
your persistence has earned the awful
truth. My childhood, I confess
was a cupid's mouth and a tender pair
of perfect A cup breasts.
Together, we shared ice-cream
and licked each others' spoon.
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