M’s work has been published in some superlative ‘zines, including Stirring, Poems Niederngasse, Eclectica, 3rd Muse Poetry Journal, and The Eclipse, and she is a two-time winner of the Sundress Poetry Slam. She also has work forthcoming in Mentress Moon and Verse Libre and has managed staffs of technical writers in the computer industry. She wanted us to tell you, though, that rather than inflate her ego to unmanageable proportions, these credits have merely served to further reinforce her difficulties dealing with Imposter Syndrome. She simply stands awe-struck in the company of some monstrously talented contemporaries and wonders exactly how she finagled an invitation to the party. But she begs you not to point out to any of them that she doesn’t really belong there. She’s having too much fun to leave willingly. And she thanks them most sincerely, particularly the editors at Stirring, for giving her a chance to prove her worth first as a writer and now as a Guest Editor. To be honest, she has always felt her ungainly feet fit better in editor’s shoes.
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