Stirring : A Literary Collection
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David Arroyo The Marriage Chamber
Janet I. Buck Witnessing a Question Mark
Stanley Gemmell Eight years
Wendy A. Howe Signature
Kathleen Sullivan Isacson Three Pietàs
Sarah Ruth Upton Jacobs A dusk earthworm quivering in my palm before dawn
Christopher Major Bookmarked
Stephanie Matthews Giggle-smoke Over the Base Camp
Christopher Neenan Telemachus
Zijie Ken Pan Refugee
Kenneth Pobo New Jersey
Alex Stolis Thinking About You (Again)
Preston Mark Stone Introduction to Anatomy
Billye "Ferne" Thatcher Melancholy Moon


Michael Karpinski Aloha
"Congratulations," the minister intones to me, symbolically drawing a cross on my chest with one holy hand. "You are poet no more."
John Lemon Colonoscopy
Listen. This hospital, I'm telling you. One day the Hospital Commission's gonna come through and shut it right down. It's like, I mean, these people, all they care about is the paper work gets done right.
Rod P. Radford Bill "Dungs" Roman
The name’s Bill Roman. About four years ago, I won two $200 playing cow chip bingo at my in-laws’ Baptist church in Northern Maine. Ever since then, everybody stopped calling me Bill and starting calling me Dungs. This is my story.
Joelle Lynn Renstrom Dreaming of Steaks and Yards
He hears panting under the bench, hot breath ripping through night. Reaches under, checks for her, his dog. Feels her cool nose, smooth and damp. The man rolls to his side, trailing his hand over the bench as if over the edge of a boat cutting across a lake lit by a hovering moon, trolling its own line in the water.


Peter Lobdell Lugnuts of the Soul
"You don’t recognise my voice, Dave? Now just listen. Shut that ignorant mouth of yours for one minute -- or give the phone back to that lovely Denise of yours. Go on. I’d love to talk to Denise. I would like to."


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