Deborah P. Kolodji
Location: Pasadena, CA
Published in: Star*Line, Pearl, Dark Planet, The Orphic Chronicle, Twilight Times
Awards: Nominated twice for a Rhysling Award by the Science Fiction Poetry Association, Second place in the 1999 Preditors & Editors Readers Poll
Sean's mother gets headaches
predictably before earthquakes,
his Great Dane runs crazed circles
& the cat disappears --
I search soil samples for radon
suspecting wilted daffodils
mean something in January
having no scientific basis.
the grocery store clerk says
it feels like earthquake weather
cold one day & hot the next
I consider packing the kids
& heading north, stopped by
premonitions of collapsing
overpasses the route out --
feeling pent-up earth-fury
I take two aspirin & we wait.
Previously Published in Tales of the Unanticipated #18