Sundress Publications

C.R. Garza

Location: New Haven, Connecticut
Other: Assistant Editor of The Rose & Thorn Literary E-zine


I'm afraid of needles.
I'm tired of rubber sheets and tubes.
I'm tired of faces that I don't know
and now I think that death is starting.

-Anne Sexton "Old"

Every day I wake up
I want to open my toothless mouth,
say, Never again,
it is a terrible time to be conscious.

Yet, at night in my wet bed, dreaming death,
I lie as a corpse,
experience the mouth of the grave, earth that
pockets, eats me like a chicken thigh.

I wonder, Are there really this many teeth?
Teeth in the form of maggots
with little bodies that glow in the dark!
See, there's the spectacle of it,
something worth buying a ticket for
night after night,

the bill saying,
Turn In
Turn In
The Show's About to Begin.