Jessica lives with two kittens in an apartment in Indiana, PA. She's currently wading through her last 2 years of undergrad to earn her BA in English and get the hell out of Pennsylvania ASAP. She hopes to have her doctorate in English before she's thirty.
She tells us that she had what she refers to as a "white-trash upbringing" (four pregnant cheerleaders on the squad at the local high school at one point), and she was only saved because she was shipped off to boarding school before her sophomore year. Despite this, she still never knows which fork to use and occasionally get into minor fistfights. (Very unladylike, but hey, you can take the girl out of the white trash, but you can't take the white trash out of the girl.)
She just became engaged to a red-headed computer nerd a few weeks ago, so right now life is bliss. (We're jealous.)