Debbullan Zathan
They are burying Giotto
again. Or at least the bones
of him, perhaps. Toker laments,
(an American, archeology's Franklin)
that a fat butcher might be interned instead,
despite the headlines made by Mallegni
and Sieni, of other ologys,
acclaiming the reconstruction of the
almost fossil-toothed head.
Skeletal remains may
beg the question to the church
but there could be no dissection
(though much heated discussion) of frescos
which some claim to know
contains a depiction, a self portrait
of a solid man, short and well nourished,
and now feted with flourish,
(note the inter-factional touches).
All this, seven hundred years after
Giotto, in Florence, laid down
his brushes, including the ones held in his
(still absurdly debated) brown and handle
scarred teeth.
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