Prasenjit Maiti
How do I write your name, Roopsa? How do I spell out the years that have come and gone like cruelty? How do I feel the majesty of our separation, trapped in my ingle-nooks of comfort women and yogurt and Coca-Cola? My daughter at the computer, my wife mangling a steak that burns merrily like our sorrows and my letters never written to you for lack of money and memory . . . You are more distant now than even our frigid anniversaries that come and go like virgin snows, seasonal, fragrant wines and white napkins that help wipe my whiter tears . . . You are my defeats as I write and fail to reach, walk and fail to arrive, make love and fail to satisfy or sustain . . . How do I really write your name, Roopsa? You are my dreams at dawn, the lights all grey, chasing women like beasts of prey . . .
Date of Birth:
West Bengal, India
Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Burdwan University
Blue Collar Review, Green Queen, Harlequin, Micropress Oz, Monkey Kettle, Nightingale, Paper Wasp, Phoenix, Poetry Church, Poetry Depth Quarterly, Poetry Greece, Pulsar, Skald, The Journal,, etc.
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