Jason Lee Brown
I don’t remember standing in my father’s cowboy boots, no more than three years old,
trying to walk, powder white legs with curled toes barley able to budge.
I don’t remember the heavy long leather, like steel chaps -- and taking a small step, two
or three inches maximum, but still a step, towards the coffee table corner.
I don’t remember that Armstrong-like stride, and him releasing his bottle to pet mother’s
knuckles with chilled fingertips, and her fetching another beer afterwards.
I do remember the 15 stitches behind my left ear and the thumb-size lump, not to mention
the Dr.’s needle twisting and grinding, draining the fluid from the swelling.
Sullivan, Illinois
Weekly columnist for News Progress
The Vehicle, Taint Magazine, Snow Monkey, Kitty Litter Press
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