Michelle Cameron


Why, then, pay heed?
Poking its head up
just as light begins
to curl edges of night.
Should a brilliant day foretell --
what? Six more weeks of gloom?
Dispel the reign of the rat!
His prognostications hold no brief
when we ache, oh, with some divine flame within,
for crocus to rise
triumphant, through snow,
like a pale sacrifice to Hades,
imploring him to forgive Persephone
just a few of those
blood-dark seeds
of discontent.

Date of Birth: June 19, 1958
Location: Chatham, New Jersey
Occupation: Creative Director
Email: mcameron@gti.net
Website: http://www.noretreat.org/mec/
Publications: The Paterson Literary Review, Lilith, UNO, Samsara Quarterly, 2River View, flashquake, Literary Potpourri, The Paumanok Review, Comrades, etc.
Book: In the Shadow of the Globe (Lit Pot Press, Inc., 2004)
Awards: Editor's Choice Award, 2002 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest; Best of Stirring Year Three
Experience: Stirring Guest Editor : April, 2002

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