Joseph Kerschbaum
My mouth is full of winter.
Spring surrounds me like flies.
I offer flowers at the end of my fingers.
I would speak but my lips have blisters.
Like any infection, my words need sterilized.
My mouth is full of winter.
When we embrace we only leave splinters.
Every injury, I have memorized.
I offer flowers at the end of my fingers.
Every year, every season slips by faster.
I measure distance with my heart -- not my eyes.
My mouth is full of winter.
This hemisphere of mistakes will be perfect after
everything has been revised.
I offer flowers at the end of my fingers.
No one stays in this season -- they're all visitors.
They drop from my hands like suicides.
My mouth is full of winter.
I offer flowers at the end of my fingers.
Date of Birth:
June 29, 1976
Bloomington, Indiana
Facets, Poetry Motel, Eclipse, Stray Dog, Red River Review, Bathtub Gin, etc.
The Human Remains, 1 of 29 (Spoken Word CD)
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