Tyurina Allen
You became the shatter without the wreck
that eventual actor accounting for my bruises
(but everyone suffers with dreams of leaving so)
I wrote your secrets on the palms of my hands
I covered your mouth with them
I watched you tattoo your body with the same words
& I made you breakfast in that afternoon
you said: to you poetry
is more important than myself or anyone
(I didn't want to tell you the worst was true)
I did not apologize
& I ate what I cooked
my voice hung like icicles in dry air "somewhere I'll make you
I begin to request the distance of streets / You were already warming
yourself by the fire
in a distant town in that distant stretch where
I once considered rewriting you
making you that hero flying away until He was invisible but
Protagonist, we were
an antonym /
a contradiction lacking apology
it was all obvious
all that music
repeated in our soaked mouths
it is important (here)
that this is blamed only on the skin of our hands ;
those ten fingers now tracing the slopes of another body
in an act like love.
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