
Managing Editor & Poetry Editor
Luci Brown's chapbook, Home Brew, was released by Finishing Line Press in 2015. Her poems have previously appeared or are forthcoming in Moon City Review, Wherewithal, Menacing Hedge, Rogue Agent, Tinderbox, and others. In addition to serving as Managing Editor for Stirring, she is also a reader for the Best of the Net Anthology. She is an MFA candidate at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where she currently resides with her very tall partner, very strange dogs, and very happy baby.

Managing Editor & Poetry Editor
Andrew Koch's poetry has appeared in Menacing Hedge, Bodega, Bluestem, Rust + Moth, and others. He is the author of the forthcoming chapbook Brick-Woman (Hermeneutic Chaos, 2016). Although a Tennessee-native, Andrew presently lives in Spokane, Washington with his wife and cat while teaching and pursuing an MFA at Eastern Washington University.

Fiction Editor
Kat Saunders lives in Athens, Ohio where she teaches and is earning a Masters in Creative Writing at Ohio University. Kat writes both fiction and nonfiction, and her work has previously appeared in Alimentum: The Literature of Food.

Nonfiction Editor
Anessa Wilson graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor's in English Literature. She is currently living in Ohio where she writes fiction and nonfiction and reads profusely.

Reviews Editor
Donna Vorreyer is the author of Every Love Story is an Apocalypse Story (Sundress Publications, 2016) and A House of Many Windows (Sundress Publications, 2013) as well as seven chapbooks, most recently Encantado, a collaboration with artist Matt Kish from Redbird Chapbooks. She works as a middle school teacher in the Chicago suburbs.

Associate Poetry Editor
John Turner is an Instructor of English at Scott Community College in Davenport, Iowa. His work has appeared in Short Stuff, Samsara Quarterly, Astronomy, Lyrical Iowa, Haiku Hut, Squashblossom, Black&White, The Poet, and Stirring, among others. He is a James Hearst Poetry Award winner and the first on-line Slammaster for Simon&Shuster and Warner Brothers. He has judged the Third Fusion Poetry Competiton as well as the 2004 Mississippi Valley Poetry Contest. John has also written and starred in 30 plays in last 20 years, won poetry slams in the Quad Cities, had poems and plays commissioned in Illinois and Iowa, and has never beaten Erin Elizabeth at Insomniac's Society Poetry Slams.

Associate Poetry Editor
M has served as an Associate Poetry Editor for Stirring for over a decade. Her work has appeared in a variety of journals including Rattle, Harpur Palate, and Pedestal, and was a finalist for the Rattle Poetry Prize in both 2011 and 2012. She also serves as an Administrator of an online poetry workshop, and as Co-Chair for the Portland Unit of the Oregon Poetry Association. Her poetry chapbook, To That Mythic Country Called Closure, a collection on the subject of widowhood, was released by Concrete Wolf Press in 2013.

Associate Poetry Editor
Sarah A. Chavez, a mestiza born and raised in the California Central Valley, is the author of All Day, Talking (Dancing Girl Press, 2014) and Hands That Break & Scar (Sundress Publications, forthcoming 2017). She holds a PhD in English with a focus in poetry and Ethnic Studies from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Her work can be found in various anthologies and journals such as Political Punch: The Politics of Identity and Bared: An Anthology on Bras and Breasts, as well North American Review, Fourth River, Acentos Review, North Dakota Quarterly, and The Boiler Journal, among others. She is a Visiting Assistant Professor teaching Ethnic American literature and creative writing at Marshall University and is a proud member of the Macondo Writers Workshop. You can visit her online at

Associate Poetry Editor
J.P. Craig is an assistant professor of English at Alabama State University and a contributing editor to New American Notes Online and the literary critical journal Reconfigurations. His work has appeared in 5_trope, Outerbridge, The Graduate Bulletin of the University of Iowa, The Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, Artful Dodge, Verse, River City magazine, and in the critical collection Reading Duncan Reading. He received his M.F.A. from the University of Memphis and his doctorate from the University of Iowa.

Associate Poetry Editor
Chris Petruccelli recently graduated from Mizzou with an MA in geography. His next stop is Fairbanks, AK to work on earning an MFA at UAF. His poetry has appeared in Connotation Press, Gingerbread House, Rappahannock Review, RomComPom, and elsewhere. His chapbook, Action at a Distance, is available at Other than that, Chris likes to drink whiskey and smoke cigarettes.

Associate Poetry Editor
Les Kay holds a PhD with a focus on Creative Writing from the University of Cincinnati and an MFA from the University of Miami, where he was a James Michener Fellow. One of his first published poems appeared in Stirring: A Literary Collection long ago. Since then, his poetry has appeared widely in journals such as PANK, South Dakota Review, Whiskey Island, The White Review, Southern Humanities Review, Sugar House Review, and Redactions. His first chapbook, The Bureau, will be published by Sundress Publications in May. He currently lives in Cincinnati, teaching writing and caring for three very small dogs.

Associate Poetry Editor
Krista Cox is a paralegal and poet living in northern Indiana. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pittsburgh Poetry Review, The Indianola Review, Whale Road Review, and Pirene's Fountain, among other places in print and online. She twice received the Lester M. Wolfson Student Award in Poetry, and has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. In her abundant spare time, Krista parents, paints, and plans community events as the Program Director of Lit Literary Collective. Learn more than you ever wanted to know about her at
Founding & Consulting Editor
Erin Elizabeth Smith is the founder of Stirring and served as the managing editor for fifteen years. She is author of The Fear of Being Found (Three Candles Press, 2008), The Chainsaw Bears (Dancing Girl Press, 2010), and The Naming of Strays (Gold Wake Press, 2011). Her poetry has appeared recently or is forthcoming in numerous literary magazines including Mid-American, 32 Poems, Crab Orchard, Third Coast, Zone 3, Birmingham Poetry Review, and Gargoyle. Erin holds an PhD from the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi and is currently a full-time lecturer at the University of Tennessee where she teaches poetry writing and literature and serves as the Creative Director for the Sundress Academy for the Arts.
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