Proverbs for Weekend Daredevils
Leisure was invented for you
No one questions a spelunker
There is more design in nylon than loess
You might as well leave the saddle in the stall
You might as well eat another twinkie
Better to chew the husk than suck the seed
Women love mosquito netting
Everyone loves a headlamp
Compasses are for brownies -- so are maps
Nothing stays dry
You will hate yourself
Those in search of water will drink bourbon
Those wanting sleep should dream of air
Those seeking rescue should pay the goddamn pig
T.A. Noonan is the author of two hybrid-genre collections, The Bone Folders and Petticoat Government, as well as the chapbooks Darjeeling and Balm. Her work has appeared in Verse Daily, Ninth Letter, RHINO, Phoebe, Harpur Palate, and many others. "The Trouble with Correspondence," her essay on the intersections of witchcraft and body image, was named a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2011. Currently, she lives on Florida's Treasure Coast with her husband and serves as both the Associate Editor of Sundress Publications and Managing Editor of Flaming Giblet Press.