wicked alice| fall 2011
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A.E. Loveridge
Rexroth, the Poet Pretends She is Chinese
lowly bureaucrat, which she is, toiling
for a government
clogged by procedure
process, which she is, living in a city, which she does,
in a
small house full of ghosts, which she does,
by a
river, which does flow nearby,
waiting, like she does, for one who loves another,
which she
is, who will send a message, which he won't,
perhaps for the wind to carry one perfect blossom
into her
lap while she waits by the river
for the
one who will not send for her,
Which it does.
A. E. Loveridge’s poetry has been published
or is forthcoming in The Tulane Review, The Southern Women’s Review,
The New Yinzer, and anthologized by Carlow University Press. Her literary fiction chapbook, Congregation,
was published by Little Book Publications in 2008. An Atlanta, GA native and
2009 Bread Loaf contributor, she now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Her chapbook, Poems for Business Travelers, was recently released by dancing girl press .