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2024 Prose Open Reading Period Selection Announced

2024 Prose Open Reading Period Selection Announced

Sundress Publications is thrilled to announce the results of the 2024 prose open reading period. The winning selection is Patrick Joseph Caoile’s Tales from Manila Ave. The book is scheduled for release in Fall 2025.  

Image is a young Filipino man wearing glasses and a blue polo shirt.

Patrick Joseph Caoile was born in the Philippines and grew up in northern New Jersey. His work is featured in storySouth, Porter House Review, Bright Flash Literary Review, the anthology Growing Up Filipino 3, and elsewhere. He has received support from Roots.Wounds.Words and the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. He holds a BA in English from Saint Peter’s University, an MA in English from Seton Hall University, and a PhD in English with a creative writing concentration from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Currently, he is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at Hamilton College. For more information, check out his website

This year’s finalists are:

  • Palace by Em Williamson
  • When I Woke Up by Huma Sheikh

This year’s semifinalists are:

  • Interludes by Emily Alexander
  • Tonalamatl: El Segundo’s Dream Notes by Steven Alvarez
  • Nashville Radio and Other Stories by Tom Ande
  • Soft and Roaring by Tori Allenspach
  • Somewhere Warmer by Bibi Balkhi
  • Male Identified by Margaret Donovan Bauer
  • Other People’s Mothers by Ashley Benson
  • Are You Experienced? by Patricia Bidar
  • Antenna by Wes Blake
  • Swerve by Laurie Blauner
  • Soft Goodbyes Through Broken Veils by Clayton Bradshaw-Mittal
  • Intricate Birds by Jennifer Bullis
  • A Refuge for Jae-in Doe and Other Fugues by Seo-Young Chu
  • Elbowing a Stranger by Bruce Cohen
  • The Computer Room by Emma Ensley
  • The Beaver: A Novella and Other Stories by Kindall Fredericks and Bleah Patterson
  • Pot, Kettle, Black by C.M. Green
  • Reading Moby Dick During the Pandemic and Other Essays by Margaret Hawkins
  • On Repeat by Cyan James
  • Distressed Debt by John Kaufmann
  • Method Acting by Sienna Liu
  • Dear Angelina Jolie by Anne Panning
  • Queer as Folk Tales by James Penha
  • The Memory Box: Collected Stories by John RC Potter
  • Jumping the L by David Raney
  • Jokes by Jane Snyder
  • This is What Love Looks Like by Denise Tolan
  • We Sink Like Ships and Other Stories by Chelsea Laine Wells

All work published at Sundress or any of its publications retains the author's original copyright and may not be reprinted without the author's express written consent.


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