Managing Editor
Catherine Moore is the author of Ulla! Ulla! and more. Winner of the Yemassee Fiction Prize and The Southeast Review's Poetry Prize, her work appears in Tahoma Literary Review, Mid-American Review, Broad River Review and in various anthologies, including the juried Best Small Fictions. She is the co-editor of the recently released FIOLET & WING: An Anthology of Domestic Fabulist Poetry. Catherine holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and she teaches at a community college. Her collection of lyrical pieces in the voices of bog bodies is available from Unsolicited Press. Find out more at
Poetry Editor
Danielle Hanson is the author of Fraying Edge of Sky (Codhill Press Poetry Prize, 2018) and Ambushing Water (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2017). Her work has appeared in over 80 journals, has won the Vi Gale Award from Hubbub, and Ambushing Water was a finalist for a 2018 Georgia Author of the Year Award and was nominated for several Pushcarts and Best of the Nets. She is the poetry editor for Doubleback Books and is on the staff of Atlanta Review. Her poetry has been the basis for visual art included in the exhibit EVERLASTING BLOOM at the Hambidge Center Art Gallery, and Haunting the Wrong House, a puppet show at the Center for Puppetry Arts. More about her at
Prose Editor
Tonya Streeter earned her BA in Creative Writing from Columbus State University. She is entering the MA Creative Writing Program at Royal Holloway University of London in the Fall of 2020. She served as both fiction and non-fiction editor for The Arden, Columbus State University's literary journal, and she also served as a journalist on the university's newspaper, The Saber. Her poetry and prose have appeared in The Albion Review, The Arden, and most recently, Wizards in Space.
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