The songs in this segment of The Stage were all written in a collaborative forum called the Songwriters Circle at The Actor's Institute (TAI). This group produces some of the best new songs in the New York City original music scene. The three songwriters featured here have varying styles, but have in common their desire to write deeply felt, personal songs: tunes you'll relate to and want to tell your friends about.
Developing and advancing their craft is something all creative artists strive to do. The Songwriters Circle provides a vibrant, creative backbone for these performers to push themselves to their limits. Every two weeks this group of 10 songwriters of varying backgrounds bring in and perform works in progress, or newly completed songs, for feedback from the other members. The collective expertise of the whole, being greater than that of any single member, gives each writer numerous (often conflicting!) ideas on how to help each song reach its most fully realized form. We hope you will enjoy listening to the music that has come out of this collaborative effort. Please contact any of the songwriters so they can notify you of their upcoming performances. If you are a singer/songwriter you can even ask about joining in the music making!
Lynn Rosenthal
Pat Wictor
Anne Mironchik