There is a lure to all things miniature - tiny
objects somehow contain our desire. Into these small-scale realities,
we project our fantasies and doubts; in their realms, we are simultaneously
omnipotent and reverent, filled with wonder but removed.
The five artists featured in this section, Sayumi Yokouchi, Kevin
Ford, Dave Marin, Patrick Jacobs, and Rob de Mar create their own
such worlds. Scaled down but by no means diminutive, these works
hint about the complex relationships between man and nature, commodity
and control.
The intricate sculptures of Rob de Mar present
whimsical depictions of a fragile system. The re-creation in miniature
is an idyllic preservation of an unspoiled world.
Sayumi Yokouchi's portable landscapes elude
to nature as a means of escape and meditation, but their bright,
unnatural colors reveal how manufactured her creations truly are.
Kevin Ford presents us with an already highly
manipulated landscape, the golf course, in miniature scale. Beyond
the visual pun, this installation questions man's tendency to subjugate
nature for the aesthetics of affluence.
The urban tableaus of Dave Marin are far from
idyllic. His choreographed scenes in constructed worlds recreate
a moment of crisis from several viewpoints, serving as diagrammatic
evidence to an ambiguous narrative.
Patrick Jacobs constructs
worlds within walls, filled with the wonder of the mundane. Peeking
through the lens, the viewer is confronted with a perfectly recognizable
but ultimately inaccessible reality.
