T rumpet Fiction is ducts'
live reading series in New York City hosted by
our editor, Jonathan Kravetz.
October 9th, 6:45 p.m.
The place:
KGB Bar, 2nd floor
85 E. 4th Street
between 2nd Avenue and the Bowery
The readers are: James Braly
James Braly has told his stories on NPR and Marketplace, published them in New
York Press, and performed them around town, often atThe Moth, where he's the
winner or first runner-up of four GrandSLAMs. He's currently working on a book
of essays about the destabilizing effects of a stable relationship, I Should
Be Committed: Life in a Marital Institution.
Jennifer DeMeritt
Jennifer DeMeritt is a comedian, essayist, and reluctant smut peddler. She has
written for BUST Magazine, nerve.com and Glamour. Her performance credits include
Gotham Comedy Club, HERE Arts Center, Galapagos, KGB, the Westbeth Theatre Centre,
and numerous dives and art-holes throughout the city.
Beth Ann Bauman
Beth Ann Bauman is the author of the short story collection Beautiful Girls,
recently issued in paperback. She's the recipient of grants from the Jerome Foundation
and the New York Foundation for the Arts. She spent a lovely summer writing short
stories at NYU's Bobst Library, where she wrestled her characters into creation
while resting her eyes on the leafy trees in Washington Square Park.
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