Friday, October 15 at 7:30
at the Writer's Voice
5 West 63rd Street
Come celebrate the launch of the book
How Not To Greet Famous People:
The Best Stories From A mere five years after its inception, has become one of the most creative and ambitious
literary magazines on the web. Inside the covers of this book you'll
find the very best of our ever growing collection of fine personal
stories, fiction, poetry, profiles, humor writing and reviews.
Spend an afternoon with comedian Pat Cooper, dive into the
uncensored mind of a streaker; tune into an edition of the Ricki
Lake Show in which she interviews four characters from Wuthering
Heights; sing and dance your way into the Bill Riley Talent Competition;
visit the Louisiana State Penitentiary rodeo; fin d out who
the real Boogie Man is and learn
How Not To Greet Famous People
Early praise for How Not To Greet
Famous People: Remarkable writing by remarkable writers. Give this book to anyone
who says people aren't reading as much anymore. Better yet, buy
two copies and give them as gifts.
- Patty Dann
Author of Mermaids and Sweet & Crazy
include: Ross Klavan, Mitchell Levenberg, Stephanie Hart, Maud Newton and Dom Angiello.
for this event will be provided by Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. We
thank them for their support. For more information,
email Jonathan Kravetz, editor.
