Landscapes frequently propose and
instigate the non-rational in me. The landscape itself becomes a
non-rational being. It has emotional processes that move themselves
as natural forces. These forces can sometimes enter me, setting
off my own series of bodily responses. Sometimes the landscape seems
interested in exhibiting the potential to overtake me physically
as is the case with sunburn, freezing, and drowning. This is one
of its forms of intimacy. It can penetrate you. In less dramatic
cases you form a relationship through adaptation. A new territory,
as you move across it, changes your situation. Often you will need
to calibrate the internal to the external.
- Krista Connerly
One of the facets of photography is its ability to generate
redundant and technical images. When a reader comes in contact with
this cataloguing of codes and symbols they inadvertently glance
over the photograph evoking blankness due to a visual illiteracy.
I am looking to evoke this "blankness" to reaffirm the continuing
absence of the African-American within a social space that continues
to provide redundant stereotypes of our presence in contemporary
- Ronnie Wright
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