Michael Alan
has been published in the Chicago Reader, Oasis, Carve, Eyeshot,
and CounterPunch. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. A Quick
Study is about the birth of an American CEO. |
Rochelle Almeida
A native
of Bombay, India, Rochelle Almeida teaches Global Cultures and
World Literature at New York University. She is the author of
two books of literary criticism: "Originality and Imitation:
Indianness in the Novels of Kamala Markandaya" (2000) and "The
Politics of Mourning: Grief-Management in Cross-Cultural Fiction"
(2005). Her first collection of short stories is currently under
publication consideration in New Delhi. |
Lucy Baker
is an Assistant Editor at HarperCollins and a freelance writer.
She is a regular contributor to The L Magazine, and columnist
for the website reallysmalltalk.com.
Lucy has written for McSweeneys Internet Tendency, The
Black Table, The New York Press, and the Village Voice. She
also tells stories at The Moth. |
Bill Bilodeau
Bill is the editor of a small daily newspaper in New Hampshire.
He studied creative writing at Harvard and is currently at
work on a novel. He is married... with children.
Sharon Bippus
I recently finished my first novel, Truman and Jerry and
am now free to write much shorter pieces. I'm also working
on a series of interconnected short stories that might become
a second novel. My work has been published in the Del Sol
Review, Home and Other Places: Voices of Southwest Michigan,
and Riverrun. I live in rural Michigan and teach special education.
Malerie Yolen Cohen
Malerie is a Stamford, CT, based freelance writer. She contributes
regularly to several regional magazines and writes a monthly
column for the Stamford Advocate.
Brandon Cole
Cole has written, co-written, produced, or directed five feature
films, most recently 13 MOONS, co-written and directed by Alexandre
Rockwell, that stars Steve Buscemi, David Proval, Peter Dinklage
and Jennifer Beals. His other film credits include MAC and ILLUMINATA,
co-written and directed by John Turturro; OK GARAGE, which he
wrote and directed, which starred Lili Taylor, John Turturro
and Will Patton; and SONS, co-written and directed by Alexandre
Rockwell. MAC won the Camera D'Or at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival.
OK GARAGE was awarded best screenplay at the 1998 Avignon, France,
Film Festival. The Difficult Ones is his second novel. |
Jorge Continento
Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Jorge comes from a musical
family. His parents, both musicians, introduced their children
to music at an early age, in an environment where Jazz and
Bossa-Nova were played live or on the stereo all day long.
He began working as a professional musician at the age of
15, and has recorded and performed onstage with many of Brazils
most respected musicians, such as Milton Nascimento, Durval
Ferreira, Marisa Monte, Moraes Moreira, Zeca Balero, Edu Lobo,
Skank, Marina Machado, Sandra de Sa, and Telo Borges. He has
performed at the JVC and Montreux Jazz festivals, the Sfink
Festival, and others, and has played shows around the globe,
from South America to Japan and in between. In 2000 he put
a band together with his brothers, Kiko and Alberto Continentino,
keyboardist and bassist respectively, called the ContinenTrio.
Together they have played in numerous jazz festivals and recorded
two specials for the Rede Minas television network in Brazil.
In 2003 they released an album self-entitled ContinenTrio,
with all original compositions and arrangements. Later the
same year, Jorge recorded his solo album, Jorge Continentino-Portrait,
made up of his own compositions, and three by his brother,
Alberto. Jorge is also finishing an album with a percussionist
and producer from Argentina, Ramiro Musotto, where he plays
different kinds of wood flutes, called "Pifanos",
a type of flute used in the northeast of Brazil. This album
brings together his own compositions and other well known
songs like "Asa Branca" and "O Baiao"
by Luiz Gonzaga.
In August of 2004 Jorge moved to NYC, and since then hes
been playing in clubs like the Nublu, where hes been
playing every Wednesday since December, 2004 with the group
Forro in the Dark, an experimental bamd that mixes the music
of the northeast of Brazil with a jazzy approach, that Jorge
calls a "Bitches BrewForro". Jorge is currently
playing with the singer and composer Bebel Gilberto. He has
toured around South America, North America, and has played
in prestigious venues, such The Blue Note and Lincoln Center.
Esther Cross
is a Fulbright Scholarship winner. She has published 5 works
of fiction and has won numerous awards including the prestigious
Argentine Society of Writers award. She has also recently translated
short stories by the legendary American author, Richard Yates,
into Spanish. |
Saara Dutton
Saaras career in the CIA was thwarted by fear of commissary
beef, distaste for bad geopolitical humor and a lack of a
valid driver's license. Consequently, instead of wearing a
false mustache and whispering code names in the dark alleys
of Teheran, she has been writing articles for the likes of
Salon, The New York Times, The St. Petersburg Times, Ducts
and Bust magazine.
Gail Eisenberg
is a delightful combination of comedy and tragedy. An experienced
copywriter, journalist and co-author of A MOTHER LOSS WORKBOOK
(HarperCollins), her work has appeared in Time Out New York,
The Daily News and Newsday, as well as on-air on
Comedy Central and HBO. She has also written copy for theatrical
entertainment companies. Most recently, Ms. Eisenberg has engaged
in brainstorming concepts for the rebranding of Court TV, Lifetime,
and the upcoming Stoli-sponsored documentary, BE REAL, served
as an Associate Producer on the defunct VH1 pilot CELEBRITY
WEIRDNESS EXPLAINED (Eyeboogie), and contributed copy to ad
agency, SJI, for clients HBO, IFC, PBS, CBS, among others. Several
moons ago, Gail co-founded a national non-profit which offered
support to girls and women who'd lost their mothers at an early
age; the same entrepreneurial spirit helped create WE (Williams
& Eisenberg), a small business assisting writers and other
creative types. A life-long athlete and 45s collector, this
neurotically efficient and conservatively psychotic woman insists
that she's the poorest person living on Madison Avenue, where
she finds respite with her dog, Taxi!. |
Millie Ehrlich
Mildred has been writing poetry since she was a child and
has published in college literary journals, including Turning
House, the journal of Union Theological Seminary, where she
works as the Faculty Secretary and International Student Advisor.
She has taken fiction and non-fiction workshops at the Writer's
Voice of the Westside Y in NYC and attended various writing
conferences around the country. She has a Bachelor's degree
in Theater and a Master's degree in Teaching ESL. Her website,
www.englishforeverything.com, offers online editing services
for native and non-native speakers of English. She was the
development editor for several popular-level physics books
by her brother, Robert Ehrlich, including Nine Crazy Ideas
in Science/Some of Which May Even Be True
She has
just finished writing a memoir, Beauty through Broken Glass.
Alicia Finn
Alicia lives in Austin, Texas and is pursuing her M.F.A. in
Creative Writing at Queens University of Charlotte.
She is working toward her black belt in taekwondo, so dont
mess with her.
Jennifer H. Fortin
Peace Corps Volunteer Jennifer H. Fortin grew up in Gaithersburg,
Md., then went on to Goucher College where she majored in
Art and English. Since graduating, the 24-year-old has served
the Peace Corps mission in Bulgaria as a primary education
volunteer teacher. She writes extensively and has literary
and poetic work printed in a number of publications. Jennifer
describes the world around her in tactile terms compelling
her readers to feel the what she is feeling, to know the bitter
cold that her students are feeling; to know the anguish of
a people grieving over their great needs; a people heartened
by the work of the Peace Corps.
Daniel Gallik
Daniel has had poetry and short stories published by Hawaii
Review, A.I.M.(Americas Intercultural Magazine), PARABOLA,
REVIEW, AURA (University of Alabama), and WHISKEY ISLAND (Cleveland
State University). Daniels agent in the last few months
has sold the writers first novel, A Story Of Dumb Fate.
will be publishing his Linn Poems in the months ahead.
Doug Garr
Doug Garr is a journalist and author of most recently, "IBM
Redux: Lou Gerstner and the Business Turnaround of the Decade,"
a business narrative of a corporate icon under siege. He was
a sky diver for 14 years and a D license holder, signifying
expert parachutist. The Pucker Factor is excerpted from his
memoir, "Between Heaven and Earth."
Richard Goodman
Richard Goodman is the author of French Dirt: The Story
of a Garden in the South of France. He has written on
a variety of subjects for many national publications, including
The New York Times, Creative Nonfiction, Commonweal, Vanity
Fair, Garden Design, Grand Tour, The Writer's Chronicle, salon.com,
Saveur, Ascent and The Michigan Quarterly Review.
He has twice been awarded a fellowship at the MacDowell Colony.
In 2003, he was awarded a fellowship at the Virginia Center
for the Creative Arts. He created, wrote and narrated a six-part
series about New York City for Public Radio in Virginia. He
has taught creative writing in New York City for a number
of years where he is associated with the New York Writers
Workshop. He presently teaches creative nonfiction at Spalding
University's Brief Residency MFA program in Louisville, Kentucky.
Recently, he wrote the introduction for Travelers' Tales
Provence, and his essay about Paris appears in the collection,
The Best Travelers' Tales 2004. His essay, "In Search
of the Exact Word," appears in the new Oxford American
Writer's Thesaurus from Oxford University Press.
Phyllis Gutterman
Phyllis left the restaurant world years ago to write and perform.
Currently, when not writing, she finds herself waiting on tables
After eleven years of marriage to Larry Gutterman, she serves
up twenty one meals a week (without tips) to her three perpetually
growing children. Please dont tell the EPA , but she
admits to using paper and plastic plates.
Kevin Heath
Kevin earned a Ph.D. in creative writing from the University
of Cincinnati and now teaches writing at Cedarville University
in Cedarville, Ohio. Hes published in numerous places,
including The Chariton Review, the Mars Hill Review, and Tennis
magazine. His work has been nominated for both the Pushcart
and Best American Essay honors.
Alberta Hendrickson
Alberta Hendrickson is an English major at Western Washington
University and plans to graduate fall quarter. Her personal
essay Pilgrim won second place in the 2004 Presidents
Writing Awards at Boise State University. Alberta is twenty-nine
years old. She wants to be a writer when she grows up.
Xuan Tuan Anh Ho
Xuan Tuan Anh Ho, known as Su, is a native of Vietnam. "The
Manager of Byproduct Processing Factory or Factory Number
10" draws on his family history as well as the history
of his country before, during, and after The American War.
Su is a junior at Webster University in Cha'am, Thailand.
This is his first published story.
Richard Kostelanetz
Richard appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary Novelists,
Postmodern Fiction, Bakers Biographical Dictionary of
Musicians, A Readers Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers,
the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature , Websters
Dictionary of American Authors , The HarperCollins Readers
Encyclopedia of American Literature, NNDB.com, and the Encyclopedia
Britannica , among other distinguished directories. Living
in New York, where he was born, he still needs two bucks to
take a subway.
Jennifer Lang
Jennifer finally understood how to form grammatically correct
sentences in her English tongue while living abroad after
college. And for the first time, she realized she actually
enjoyed writing. Upon returning to her native San Francisco
Bay Area in the mid-90s, she began freelancing for BabyCenter
and other online publications. From there, she launched into
paper, writing for Parenting, Parents, American Baby, BabyTalk,
Scholastic, Real Simple and Safeway Select magazines. Her
friends and family have been urging her for years to write
down her stories. And so she is trying.
Terri Light
Terri Light is a graphic designer and volunteer urban gardener
amid the glorious ruins of Detroit. Transplanted to the Motor
City from Virginia, she works and teaches at the private school
portrayed in "The Virgin Suicides." Her poetry appears in
current or forthcoming editions of "Eclectica," "horse less
review" and "The Hiss Quarterly."
Kecia Lynn
Kecia is a native of Cleveland, and has been writing stories
since she was 9 years old. However, she spent most of her
adult career in Chicago making a living as a writer of software
manuals and other business materials. Shes been told
that technical writing kills your fiction writing skills,
but shes hoping that's not entirely true, seeing as
she just picked up and moved 200 miles away to attend the
Iowa Writers' Workshop at an age when many of her peers are
spending their downtime serving as their kids' chauffeurs
and worrying about their IRAs.
"Commuting" is a story based on a real event (although definitely
a work of fiction) involving erotic encounters across races.
(There's no nudity or orgasms in this piece.)
Valeri MacEwan
Valerie is the editor/publisher of the Dead Mule School of
Southern Literature She studied creative writing in Holland
at the Ploughshares International Fiction Writing Seminar,
received a grant from the NC Arts Council to fund the original
print issue of The Dead Mule, and is an outspoken advocate
of Linux and open source software Her writing has appeared
in numerous places like the Mississippi Review, Tattoo Highway,
The Asheville Poetry Review, Night Train Magazine and others.
She spent 3 years as the Books Editor for Popmatters Magazine
of Global Culture and was also a columnist there. MacEwan
helped to incorporate WebDelSol as a non-profit organization
and was instrumental in the founding of the wow-schools.net
project. Along with their neighbor Lloyd, she and her husband
humanely trap town-dwelling possums and return them to the
wild. Not out of an environmental concerns but because Lloyd's
got 2 Schnauzers and the MacEwan's have 3 Jack Russell Terriers
and a Scottie and the bark-fest brought about by possum incursion
is unbearable at 3 A.M. Her novel, Dancing with Uncle Virgil,
has been in the "edit stage" for almost 7 years. Her blog,
Mental Kudzu, is located at macewan.net.
Benjamin Malcolm
Benjamin Malcolm works both as a freelance writer and teacher
in Northern Thailand. A native of the larger Boston area,
he worked for several years in Washington, D.C. before he
returned screaming to his Peace Corps roots in Asia. He currently
lives peacefully with his wife Supalak in the northernmost
province of Chiang Rai.
Dirk Markham
Dirk has been making pyscho-acoustic sculptures since 1998.
He draws inspiration more from modern continental philosophy
rather than pop bands. For Dirk, music is a transcendental
experience which can give a unique insight into being-in-itself
as well as the metaphysical beyond. By day he works for two
record labels in Berlin - Monika Enterprise and Gigolo. By
night he experiments with soundscapes, constantly trying to
create something which challenges the understanding. Aliases/other
projects: D-Rock, The Hemulen, Disk, Markham/Cheney &
Gorman, CIA Post-Listening
Kia Neill
art gallery
Recently completing her MFA from the University of California,
San Diego, Kia has relocated to Los Angeles, CA to pursue a
career in fine art, and whatever else her many talents provide
for her. Though, she considers herself primarily a sculptor,
Kia varies media. Lately Kia has been making loop animations
such as her most recent "Taxidermy Bee Bop", which
features the taxidermy foam forms of raccoons, squirrels, lions,
bears and giraffes as they are choreographed to break dance.
Suzanne Nielson
Suzanne, a native of St. Paul, Minnesota, teaches writing
at Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) and at Metropolitan
State University. Her poetry, fiction and essays have been
published in various literary journals nationally and internationally;
most recently her work has appeared in The Comstock Review,
Mid-America Poetry Review, The Pedestal, Pindeldyboz and 580
Split. Upcoming work will appear in Banyan Review, R-KV-R-Y,
Lodestar Quarterly and Gin Bender Poetry Review. So'ham Books
will publish her collection of poetry titled "East of the
River," in October 2005. She received a BA in Writing from
Metropolitan State University, and a MALS degree with an emphasis
in writing from Hamline University where she is currently
completing her doctorate work in Education.
Jake Novak
Jake Novak is a comedy writer whose work appears regularly in
and in The Jewish Week. He also supplies daily topical humor
for more
than 100 radio stations across the world. Jake is also the producer
CNN's "In the Money" with Jack Cafferty, which airs
on Saturday and
Sunday afternoons. |
Heather Aimee O'Neill
Heathers work has appeared or is forthcoming in Many Mountains
Moving, Spinning Jenny and The Bostonia. She received her MFA
from Sarah Lawrence College, and is co-director of the Speakeasy
Poetry Reading Series at The Bitter End in New York City. She
teaches creative writing and literature at SUNY Purchase College. |
Alicia Martinez Pardies
Alicia is a respected journalist in Buenos Aires. She has
worked in Italy, Mexico and Cuba. Her notes covering some
important cultural aspects made her receive the first award
for cultural press given by the Italian Embassy and the Corriere
della Sera in Buenos Aires. Nowadays she works as the representative
of the Ansa Agency in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Helen Rafferty
Brooklyn born and bred, Helen Rafferty now resides in beautiful
Mamaroneck, New York with her husband and three daughters. Her
short stories have appeared in journals such as Lynx Eye,
Sanskrit and Studio One. Helens essays chronicle
the heinous crimes of her youth and her subsequent cruel banishment
to the suburbs. This ability to see high drama in the most mundane
circumstances has led to a reporting job for her local newspaper.
Cornelia Ravenal
Cornelia has worked as a writer for theater, film, broadcast
and print. Her articles and photographs have appeared in magazines
and newspapers in Asia and North America, with over 60 published
pieces on art, education, business, spirituality, film and Asian
cultures. Her first independent documentary, FIVE FEELINGS ABOUT
FOOD (2005) (http://www.fivefeelings.com)
, made in collaboration with her husband, Mikael Södersten,
is currently on the festival circuit and has won several awards.
Her original screenplay, THE OTHER WOMAN (2006) (http://www.theotherwoman2006.com)
is scheduled for production in January. She has a BA in English
Literature from Harvard University.
Shelly R. Rich
Shelly likes to make things up and mix them with truth. Some
of her delusions are found or forthcoming in print publications
such as Opium Magazine, The Binnacle, and Duck and
Herring's Pocket Field Guide as well as online at elimae,
Eyeshot, VerbSap, Heavy Glow, and The Hiss Quarterly.
Terrence Ross
Terrence is an award winning filmmaker and published novelist,
who currently teaches at Adelphi University.
Sunsh Stein
Sunsh lives in New York City, but has one foot out the door.
She's a freelance writer with a master's degree in journalism
and a day job as a patient advocate. She was recently called
an "advanced hippie."
Alix Strauss
Alix has been a featured lifestyle trend writer on national
morning and talk shows including ABC, CBS, CNN and most recently,
VH1. Her articles cover a range of topics, from beauty and
food trends to celebrity interviews, appearing in an array
of publications such as: The New York Times, The New York
Post, Time Magazine, Town & Country Travel, and Self,
among others. Her collection of shorts, THE JOY OF FUNERALS,
was published by St. Martin's Press in both hard and soft
cover. The Joy of Funerals will be heading to the big
screen with Stockard Channing attached to direct. Alix will
write the screenplay as well. Currently, she is working on
a novel.
Nicole Tucker
Nicole is masquerading as a Ph.D student in Indiana, not the
state, but the small city or town or village in Pennsylvania.
She hopes to stay focused enough to write a dissertation (any
suggestions?), conquer the LSAT (170), get into law school,
and--her ambition since high school--marry well (available
for dates with eligible bachelors).
Anca Vlasopolos
No Return Address: A Memoir of Displacement (Columbia
University Press, 2000), awarded the YMCA Writers Voice
Grant for Creative Non-Fiction in 2001, the Wayne State University
Board of Governors Award and the Arts Achievement Award in
2002; a poetry collection entitled Through the Straits, at
Large; a chapbook of poetry entitled The Evidence of Spring;
and a detective novel entitled Missing Members; as well as
short stories and over two hundred poems in literary magazines
such as Porcupine, Typo, Perigee, Poetry International, Branches
Quarterly, Barrow Street, Adagio, Avatar, New Works, Terrain,
Bathyspheric Review, Nidus, Full Circle Journal, Short Story,
Natural Bridge, Center, Evansville Review, Santa Barbara Review,
River Styx, Spoon River Poetry Quarterly, Weber Review, etc.;
The Poetry Harmonium, music and poetry compact disk collaboration
with composer Christian Kreipke and poets Carol Carpenter
and Suzanne Scarfone. "Frailty, Thy Name" is an
antidote to My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a late teen's growing
awareness of flawed humanity.
Richard Willis
Richard grew up on a farm near Marengo, Iowa. He is both an
actor and a teacher. After receiving his Ph.D. at Northwestern
University, he taught and directed there for three years,
and later at Lewis & Clark College where he was chairman
of the Department of Theatre. He has been active as a member
of Actor's Equity, the Screen Actor's Guild, and the American
Federation of Radio and Television Artists for over twenty
years. He is published in New Author's Journal, Words of Wisdom,
Red Wheelbarrow, Phantasmagoria, and Iconoclast. He and his
wife, Linda Barry, live in New York City
Amy E. Wirtz
Amy is currently residing in Baltimore MD, moonlighting as
a charm school mistress and an aspiring writer. She has been
published on Mcsweeneys.net and with Comrades Press. Her very
favorite activities include avocados and off-shore betting
and the occasional use of concertinas as props.
Kimberly Whitam
Kimberly was born and raised in rural Rhode Island. She earned
a Bachelors Degree in Art History and Women's Studies from Duke
University in 1992 and a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Photography
from the University of Massachusetts in 2003. During the intervening
years she worked alternately as a waitress, bartender, housekeeper,
gardener, caretaker, teacher and photographer. Kimberly currently
teaches Photography at Parsons School of Design and the Fashion
Institute of Technology. She resides in Brookyn, New York with
her boyfriend and two well-behaved dogs.
Helen Zelon
Helen's writing has appeared in The New York Times, Cosmopolitan,
Family Circle, Brooklyn Bridge and Scientific American: Explorations.
A proud booster of her adopted hometown (New York), she is
a nonfiction contributor to Totally Brooklyn.
Aaron Zimmerman
art gallery
A native of West Virginia, Aaron is a 3 year-old multimedia
artist now based in New York City. He shows with Jersey City,
New Jersey's Gallery 58. He is active with the art collectives
Die Kase Hause (diekasehause.com)
and The Poo Syndicate (thepoosyndicate.com).
He also writes and illustrates for various publications and
websites including crowndozen.com,
Zoo Magazine, and bitchingandmoaning.org.
Jonathan is best known for his ability to scratch his forehead
and squint his eyes simultaneously. He is a writer,
editor and some time trumpet player who spends too much time
reading long feature stories on the world wide web. He is
a co-founder of ducts and founder of the
New York based reading series, Trumpet Fiction, held each
month at KGB Bar in the east village. He has studied
writing with a number of teachers in New York, including Alice
Eliot Dark (fiction), the late Fred Hudson (screenwriting)
and Alison Estes (children's fiction) and has held a number
of odd jobs, including news reporter, taxi cab driver, projectionist
and ducts installer (hmmmm). He currently works as
a computer consultant. He has recently taken up improv
comedy classes with the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater
of NYC as a way to discover finer and more glorious ways of
embarrassing himself on a weekly basis. You can contact
him at editor@ducts.org.
Philip is a freelance film editor and co-founder of ducts
. His programs have appeared on PBS, ABC, Cinemax,
Lifetime Television, The Learning Channel, and in theaters
and film festivals around the world. He lives in New
York with his wife Julie.
humor editor &
Dan trained in improvisation at The Upright Citizen's Brigade
Theater. He also trained as a "normal" actor, but you've probably
never seen any plays he's been in. He's a regular contributor
to Jest Magazine, and his sketches have been performed on
the public radio program, Rewind, and NPR's Morning Edition
(speaking of public radio, he also interned at WNYC's The
Leonard Lopate Show, where he prepared interview notes for
Mr. Lopate). Dan currently writes for, and performs in, the
Juvie Hall shows "Sara Schaefer is Obsessed With You," and
"Saturday Night Rewritten," where he is a regular fixture
at the anchor desk. Although unemployed in the traditional
sense, he has countless temp jobs to his credit, and has the
bank account to prove it. He lives in Brooklyn with his patient
wife and a small impatient cat.
Anne, although a fine treasurer, is much more renowned for
her songwriting, which reaches back to capture the classic
brilliance of favorite hits by Carole King and Laura Nyro.
She blurs the lines between jazz, country, rock and R&B,
weaving melody and rhythm together in masterful ways. Her
rich alto voice leads listeners from one genre to another
as she explores the struggles, loves, fears and joys of everyday
heroes. When she's not writing great music, Anne is busy crunching
numbers for ducts! Anne's new CD "Find Me " is now
available and can be found at www.annemironchik.com.
Cindy Moore
art gallery editor
art gallery |
Cindy Moore is a Brooklyn-based encaustic painter and recovering
aquaphile. Her recent work on paper can be seen at Streits Flat
Files in the Lower East Side. Current exhibitions include Girl
Art Now (RI,) Dress-(Re)dress (CA,) and Connections (NJ.) Cindy
works in art administration in midtown and teaches at the College
of New Rochelle, The Creative Center for People with Cancer,
The Craft Students League and Artworks in Trenton.
Kara Murray
Marketing |
Kara hails from Newton, Mass. but currently makes her home in
Brooklyn. When not looking for ways to promote the brilliance
of ducts, she can be found verifying the factual accuracy of
children's nonfiction books - unless it's the weekend, then
she does other things.
Jenah Pelley
Jenah is a New York based actress and director. Most recently
Jenah has worked with Italian director and actor Dario D'ambrosi
in his New York feature production of the Pathology of Christ
and is preparing to shoot Sospeso artistic director and
composer Joshua Cody's first feature film The Standard Man
in January. Apart from acting Jenah is the founder of Jelape
essays, criticism and reviews editor
Charles is a New York based freelance writer and teacher.
He has published a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction
books. His writing has appeared in the New York Times
Arts & Leisure section, Redbook, New York Magazine,
Travel & Leisure and many others.
Tim Tomlinson
fiction editor
Tim's fiction has appeared in The Missouri Review, North
American Review, Libido, and elsewhere. He's published
haiku in Modern Haiku, Time Haiku, and Black Bough.
He's an occasional journalist, and a full time teacher, working
at both NYU and the New York Writers Workshop.
Ryan Van Winkle
poetry editor
Ryan is 24 years old and lives out of a backpack. He has no
permanent residence and is a happy freelance writer. He spends
as much time naked as humanly possible. E-Mail him at ryan@smaxx.com.
Sarah Graham
Graham is a freelance web site producer who specializes in making
sites for journalists and writers. |
