He Concluded Without Being Cupid
He was Polish,
and long winded, and ready
to be great except he was not ready
for the work. All the days
seemed like pages to him
and he never was a reader.
He wanted money.
And he wanted to learn about God from God himself. Time flew
and, as ever, God flew past him. Never landing.
Never wishing his attention.
His faults he never worked on.
She was working, others were working. As he worked and drank
he sunk into a phone that continually rang and had no one answering except a recording.
Faithful to condescension he lifted his fantasies to irrecoverable nuisances.
To no effect he dug his own grave.
His grandmother would come into the room and ask him questions. He
never answered her honestly, and she knew this, but always believed he would
His uncle was his grandmother. Never meant a thing to him.
Except someone to take money from.
Lately, he has been more alive. Yet, he feels an emptiness.
The newspapers will never have his stories.
One time he tried to write Greek, but Homer got in the way.
He wrote a letter to his niece. He was told she was intelligent.
She was not. He said, "You are my sylvan deity. My little life. I wish
you a Muse. But know
your mother would rather buy you a dress from K-Mart.
Still, please reciprocally love me. I need that. Even though I know you may
never understand it. You are the flower of my old forgottens.
You are the second name of a shepherdess. You are profound like a tulip I have never seen or sniffed. Listen as the doors
in your house shutter even though no one is entering. Attune the pipes of your
native Paris for me. Still, know
I am a Pole. I will never touch you
with my words. Just my intent.
Your beauty is what we men have always
wanted. But we were never allowed a lady like
That is why we are violent. With my love, I intend only to scare you.
Never to hurt you.
Sincerely, Your Uncle" He said to
himself, "Trust no longer my soul."
The promises of the world became dark.
He wanted finally to eat himself. But felt he could never finish because he was on a diet
that did not include good things to eat.
As the wind shifted, so did he. He gave
on her, on relatives, on any others who
floated by. He kept to himself. Totally.
Women kept talking. He was one that did not change, kept fair to fairs.
Smoked a pipe. Love his one pipe. Kept to himself. Died, finally died.
Fortune compelled him to be a dead servant.
The Iridescent Blue
Body Of Our World
The creek splashed down into a temperate valley. A steep and sleek slab hung, it seemed, diving deeper into the water.
The pool formed was six feet deep.
She unclothed, and hung around on a rock showing her swollen
belly. I believe she was crying.
Beside the pool I believe I saw a stick insect standing on a small rock. But the rocks
left it hard to judge the size of the terrain. The size of the insect or the woman.
The raging water denied the laborious journey the lady
was on. Viewing back, seeing the scene as a whole, it seemed all was camouflaged from being seen.
Yet, I could see it all.
Predatory birds hung in the air above the valley. I did not
see what their eyes were viewing.
The woman had an unusual shape
as she sat and appeared to be
immersed in thought peculiar
to her social status.
Isotome rock structures, perennial herbs,
pale blue flowers with names I did not
know sludged from the rocks,
and the poison that was held
with the woman
ate away at the scene.
I could not find one thing succulent
about this story.
She seemed awake fully. Yet,
she suffered from some agonizing blindness.
This was Brandywine falls.
I had carried myself up this craggy hill.
Pied Butcherbirds were singing as I trudged.
I thought, I never did like their
ugly greenish breasts. Two dragonflies
sailed low over the surface of the pool
With the noise of the stream
this had become a singless plot.
I sat in a thicket above the scene. I
was not crying. I was laughing,
my usual maniacal attempts at humor.
I wasnt going to do a thing.
This was also usual for me. My willie-
wagging posterior shifted only
because of the hard seat.
She was perched. Forever.
I was perched forever.
No other powers came close to this scene.
Both of us did not wonder
about this. We sat and waited
for something. What it was
was anyones guess.
As the sun set I noticed
a glimpse from the sky.
I did not look up. Neither
did the lady sitting on the rock
waiting for the water to turn
awfully cold.
