h, hello there! You caught me on my way out the door. I was about
to go bungee-jumping, but I'm pleased as punch that you stopped
by: my daredevil lifestyle will have to wait a few minutes! I can
never get enough of you (picture me pinching your cheeks now and
making goo goo sounds).
So -- you're here and you're curious to know what's going on with
your favorite literary webzine. Well, I don't want to keep you
too long because there are over forty-five new works in this issue
and they're all tremendous. You'll enjoy our usual cavalcade of
essays, fiction, humor, poetry and art, plus our most diverse Stage yet.
I urge everyone to click over there and listen to Hearsay's
spoken stories: it's the Ducts' concept - telling personal
stories - come
to life! There are also two hilarious animated shorts -- Tongues
and Taxis and Strindberg
and Helium -- that'll
have you laughing in that wild way I love so much.
Oh, I see you're noticing some of the new furniture. Well, we're
in the process of opening up our own little office in Greenpoint,
Brooklyn. It's about time: Ducts has been bringing you exciting
new personal stories for nearly five years now! Well, that's not
all that's new with this latest version of Ducts. Take a seat - here,
have some tea - and let me tell you what's been going on. First,
as you can see, we're sponsoring our first ever essay writing contest, I
Found it at the Movies, to honor one of our inspirations,
the late Fred Hudson. If you love movies (and I know you do) then
you should jump right in and enter. Click
on this link and read the details! First prize is $500 and
second is $250. What else is going on? Well, we're publishing our
very first Best of Ducts book. It'll be available right here in
a few months. Also, Ducts received its first ever grant and we
hope it can lead to bigger and better things: we plan to begin
paying our writers a $5 honorarium beginning with our next issue
and hope to increase that amount as we grow. We're busy as bees,
as you can see.
Well, I've kept you long enough and you have stories to visit.
Watch your step, but make yourself right at home while you're here
and don't bother to clean up when you're done.
Thanks for stopping by and we hope you and your friends will drop
by again and again to explore all the amazing ducts!
Now I hear my inner-daredevil calling again.
--Jonathan Kravetz, Editor, Ducts.org
This issue of Ducts is made possible with a regrant from the Council
of Literary Magazines and Presses, supported by public funds from
the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
