POETRY William C. Burns, Jr. Poet Lover Sabrina Goldstein Victim Marek Lugowski What Did the Mentally Ill Do on the Second Day Out H. Maure Luke No Deaths, No Mysteries to Solve Lyetta Mathews Hither and Yon -- Two Voices Carol Ann McCormick Tributes and Such Sue Scalf Harvest Sunie Somers The Appaloosa IA SLAM WINNERS Eileen Hugo Invitation David Arroyo Untitled Lyetta Mathews Dandelion Man PROSE
Robert B. Cooke They Sleep, They Walk If you haven't visited yet, you will. If you haven't done the duties yet, you will. Every human finds himself or herself in a graveyard once. Or twice. Or uncounted numbers of times. Jon Ingold How to Build an Impossible Staircase Me and Dr. Kryincov watch in silence as the postman walks down the left side of the staircase. That’s where it bends sideways, like a roller-coaster track, and so he walks along the vertical face, sticking out like a long postal nail. PLAY
Ben Ohmart An Untitled One Act Albany, GA. Far in the future. The town has been flooded. Only the tops of houses, trees, churches can be seen. Candy is sitting on one house roof, while Buffy scrapes, pants, climbs, gargles her way to the top of another house.
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